I have had a reasonably uneventful PMR journey so far 🤞. Diagnosed April 2020 slow pred reduction from 15mg now reducing 5.5mg/5m. I also take lansoprazole15mg/ vitamin D 800iu as prescribed by my GP since first diagnosis ( she said my diet was high enough in calcium) and following advice on this invaluable forum vitamin K2/ magnesium. I've been taking a multi vitamin and mineral tablet as well to top up B12/ iron (I don't eat meat).
In July 2021 I had a Dexa scan and have been chasing the results ever since although I was not too concerned as I don't drink/ smoke and get plenty of exercise. (And yes, I do count my blessings all you fellow PMR sufferers with co-morbidities).
Long story short, today the Dexa results finally arrived and I have osteoporosis!
T- scores -2 .5 at the spine and hip
FRAX assessment concludes 10 yr risk is 27/of major osteoporotic fracture and 11/ for hip fracture.
I have never had a broken bone still got all my own teeth.
I was so taken aback by the news I didn't think to request another scan to see if things had deteriorated in the 15 months since the first one.
GP advises alendronic acid. Do I need this?