Sorry all keep glancing at the posts, I'm not ignoring you all and will try and add soon. Hip replacement went septic so has had have it removed and redone very poorly will talk soon.
Seriously ill : Sorry all keep glancing at the... - PMRGCAuk
Seriously ill

So sorry to hear this. I do hope that you will soon feel better,and that you have a good team to sort you out.Let us know how you you get on .

Sorry to hear that….hope you soon get better 🌸
So sorry to hear that Hiibilly. You must be feeling incredibly disappointed 😞 People rely on these surgical procedures to alleviate pain and discomfort....not create more of it! I know you'll be in quite a lot of pain and things will seem pretty grim at the moment but try to focus on getting as well as you possibly can again so you give yourself a better chance of healing properly.
Embrace the'll need plenty of that, and try to remain calm and relaxed if you can.
Good luck with the next surgery and lets hope for the best outcome this time.
Hi - so sorry to read this Hiibilly 💐 l do hope things will improve for you very soon. Thinking of you 💜
Get Well Soon
Oh Hiibilly what a blow. You must be filled with disbelief and feel unwell and disappointed. I sincerely hope that they put this right and you start feeling all the good things I hear about this procedure. We will keep you in mind until you come back to us. 💐🌺🌸
What a rotten thing to happen. The same thing happened to my mother. I was so worried the same would happen to me when I had my hips replaced, I really appreciate what you have been through.
Hi Hiibilly, that is really sad and seems to happen far too often. Hope things get sorted soon and you get the relief that you hoped for and need. All the best and lots of hugs..
How very upsetting for you - hope you manage to stay rested and calm until you are up and about walking around freely again. It will be a wonderful outcome when it's all sorted. Take care 🌺🌼🌷
We're pulling for you.
So sorry to hear the bad news, how terrible, I hope you get better soon.
Sending you a big hug 😍💐
I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending all good wishes for rapid healing ❤️🩹
What dreadful bad luck, Hillbilly. Fortitude! We're rooting for you.
Oh sounds awful. Hope you feel better soon!!!
I'd like to echo the thought others have expressed and send my well wishes along with all the others.❤️
Get well soon .
My OH had a knee replacement which led to blood poisoning and hospitalisation (I honestly thought that she was dying. she is still not over it!
Aw that’s rubbish for you. If people ‘disappear’ the feeling here is more, “I hope they’re ok” rather than getting miffed because they are ignoring us. Never feel bad about not having the beans to post.

So sorry to hear that - especially since it is an op we tend to get a bit blasee about don't we. But any op can go wrong. Do hope it all improves very soon.
Hoping it heals well this time. 🌻
That’s just lousy, rotten & appallingly bad luck...just hope you will get sorted quickly, & feel a bit better. Sending very best wishes! S x
How devastating for you, being one of the unlucky few to have serious complications. I hope your health improves soon and my heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery.💖
Sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon. 🌸💐
how wretched for you...sending you every good wish for better days
What a horrible thing to have happened!! Wishing you a speedy and successful recovery.
Sending virtual hugs,and healing thoughts to you.Hope things improve real soon.xx
Thinking of you and sending all my positive vibes xoxoxo