On the 23rd of March 2020 I suddenly started with what I knew were the classic symptoms of PMR. My mother had the condition. We have recently retired to Mallorca and had not yet got our residency sorted and therefore our health cards so everything is on my E111 card. (We have just got residency status and get our health cards this week!)
I tried to manage with ibuprofen and pain killers for some weeks, not wanting to bother the doctors at the beginning of the first lockdown and also I have to admit being somewhat in denial. Eventually of course I couldn’t function at all. A GP relative in the UK told me to go and ask for an inflammatory marker blood test and then Prednisone could be prescribed at the correct dose. Unfortunately they couldn’t give me a blood test because of Covid and eventually in desperation I went to a private hospital who did give me the test I was requesting but also every other test and X-ray known to man. I won’t frighten you with the cost of all this, which I hadn’t asked for or been given any explanation about, or what the bill would come to, but I did get a prescription for 36 mg of Prednisone! Then on advice from my GP relative I self medicated from April to July, lowering the dose gradually. I still couldn’t get a blood test from the health centre but they advised me to go to A&E at the local hospítal to ask for an appointment with a rheumatologist. I was given one for late October. A week or so before the appointment I started experiencing symptoms of GCA and on my relative’s advice raised my Pred to 40 mgs. I had got myself down to 8 and was feeling good.
The rheumatologist is wonderful; sympathetic and very competent. She agreed with the 40 mg and ordered an emergency PET scan as she said a biopsy would be inconclusive because of high steroid dose. The scan took 3 months but was ok so that is a great relief although I do still get little niggling temple and jaw pains. Also Ophthalmology consultant has given me the all clear except early stages of cataracts. My rheumatologist is keen to get me off Pred so put me on Metatraxato and Tocilizumab with a rapid decrease in Pred. At the moment I am on 2 mg Pred and self injecting Tocilizumab once a week. The latter is giving me cystitis which has resisted 3 antibiotic courses. I saw her today and almost begged her to take me off it as it’s ruled my life for 3 months but she’s given me some more antibiotics and told me to persevere.
Has anyone else experienced this ‘side effect’ to this drug? She wants me to stop taking Pred in 14 days and stay on Toc for 12 months!
I would really appreciate to hear of other people’s experience of this drug.