Positive Thoughts for Lockdown : I’m struggling... - PMRGCAuk


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Positive Thoughts for Lockdown

Estellemac profile image
57 Replies

I’m struggling with pacing myself as I have quite a bit to do in the house upstairs to match the downstairs refurbishment after the flood.

Then there is the garden and the Rental house to clean for handover. They won’t have it back till May so no rush but it’s still in me head.

Nothing needs doing now these are long term jobs that no one else except me knows need doing.

I still can’t stop on any job till it’s finished unless it’s weekend and Parker is there to nag me. So I’m aching from head to toe most days by 4pm. I’m am getting better day by day at slowing down.

My reasons to be cheerful

1. Parker has returned to do all the external tasks like shopping and collecting medications. He also cooks and is painting upstairs.

2. The spring has sprung for a few days here and I can sit out. The birds song with kids and neighbours shouting at each other over the gardens is sign of community spirit and taking this seriously.

3. Great drying days for washing.

4. It’s warm enough on the decking to relax and drink tea or eat lunch with no wasp flies or bugs.

5. The local Buddhist Centre is streaming live classes. I couldn’t go to the centre normally. It’s too far and the timing doesn’t suit.

6. I’m saving money by not shopping needlessly or dropping in a cafe whilst out for a sit down.

So in conclusion we can all find a positive note in these trying times.

Stay in stay safe think happy thoughts and send virtual hugs for those who are suffering.

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Estellemac profile image
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57 Replies

Dont do too much, lots of time to get it done. Agree about money saved not buying endless things, cups of coffee etc. Arent we lucky in the much of the UK having lovely clear, sunny days.

Take care


Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to

Watch out gives snow in UK next week .

As though we haven't got enough to cope with

in reply to Rose54

Sorry I love snow?! Rain rain go away.

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to

I can just sit indoors and watch as cant go anywhere

my balance is rubbish at the best of time let alone when its slippery underfoot

in reply to Rose54

You are supposed to be staying put 😉

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to

I am

but at present allowed to go out for exercise which was to go up my brothers and put my potatoes in .

Do not see him or speak to him and use back gate .

If I get a letter this week will not be venturing outside the front door

Back garden only and if its snows will not even go out thier as know I will fall over I have washed my hands so much thay are beginning to look like prunes.

Had a go at next door neighbour as he proudly announced he had been out for a lovely motor bike road along the coast .

Told him that was not essential travel and it was people like him that put others at risk may go around later and slash his tyres

in reply to Rose54

🤣😂🤣 I know what you means about hands. I keep putting cream on then dropping my phone. 🏍️

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Rose54

On a positive note it will get rid of the greenfly eating my roses. The garden will be sparse this year due all thing sent to test us.

Pace, pace pace....I'm enjoying the fact no one can tell me to get out more. It's bliss. I can sit like the mad woman in the attic listening to the birds first thing and lids now. I have cleaned more in the past two weeks than I have in years...so I will be resting for a while. Stay safe!??

PMRpro profile image

I do wonder whether after this is past a lot of people will have learned a simpler - and more economical - lifestyle? I know some take-aways are open but people will have to learn to cook. Now they have bought - and thrown away (already reports from bin men about the quantity of waste being xmas-like with many packs not even opened) - so much they should have learned how to make easy and cheap meals and found that a meal at home together can be as enjoyable as going out.

A bit of self-denial does no-one any harm - and how ironical it is Lent!

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

I was thinking just that. How much can everyone do without when they have to? I hope people stay as helpful and kind as some of the actions we’ve seen so far.

in reply to PMRpro

I have thought a lot about food waste. I am usually ok I thought, as I shop for what I need. But every morsel that is edible is getting used now. I got a lovely, and it is lovely, weekly organic veg box today. Leeks, onions, garlic, butternut squash, cabbages, beetroot, carrots and potatoes. Though, it may not last forever as a service as seasons change this year. I have enough veg for lots of meals but miss my fruit. I cook at least 4 meals and hopefully I will have enough room and containers to freeze meals. I am glad I got some pulses etc in the lead up.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

I'd pass on the spuds but the rest sounds very good!

in reply to PMRpro

I have a plan. Some are new but some can be sprouted for later planting. I will eat fresh new potatoes re heated. I can pick them when tiny too. I just thought some would make some oven roasted chips for desperation day and a leek and potato soup. I can have a box without potatoes but I am not rocking the boat just yet. The potatoes last week I did use half and kept half to sprout. I have got to say they are fresh. When you cut then there no , words gone again, no carby juice that come out of them. They are clean. I had tomatoes last week that are lovely.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to

I’m getting mine tomorrow. I hope it’s as good as yours!

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to Highlandtiger

Me too tomorrow. Can't do without fresh veg. I've planted lots of quick growing salady things and go and 'encourage' them every day, pity about the cold spell coming up. Fleece on for me and the little plants.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to Slowdown

I think we’re at opposite ends of the country but it seems like using local suppliers is probably best when you can. My organic veggie box farm used to supply a lot of local restaurants so they have spare capacity just now and I’m sure it’s the same everywhere. I've put other people onto them who’d never considered a box before.

I’ve also just had a wine delivery from a local (now closed) restaurant. It’s a young couple who do a lot in the community and for the local hospice so I wanted to support them. It’s a bit dearer than Tesco etc but if it helps them through hard times all to the good. They always did some wine sales anyway as a sideline so at least they’ve got something to keep them going. And it keeps my stocks healthy! 😉🍷

in reply to Highlandtiger

Yes I think mine is all local.

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to Highlandtiger

Great idea for a wine supply, will have a search of local businesses that are feeling the pinch, back to that community feeling - at least one positive outcome of all this mayhem.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to Slowdown

I’ve since had a great local cheese delivery, I’m getting a local fish delivery next week and am starting an old fashioned local milk delivery in the next couple of weeks when they can get me added on to their list. And my organic veggie box this week was fantastic.

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to Highlandtiger

Local fish and fresh veg deliveries here too, only too glad to keep their businesses going, This all seems very positive after the inital turmoil. Isn't it great to have a box of crisp and colourful veg appear on your doorstep!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Highlandtiger

Maybe there will be an expansion of such services - I envy you the local cheese delivery! And the milkman coming back ...

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to PMRpro

Yes it’s a wee dairy a few miles out of town. Their cheese is fantastic in terms of both quality and variety. They do educational visits to explain how cheese is made and have a café normally. It’s a really good place to take visitors. They normally supply a lot of the local restaurants and delis. I have to say the local suppliers have stepped up magnificently. I hope people remember and stick with them after all this is over. I certainly will.

in reply to Slowdown

Waiting for my seeds then a temporary set up under the velux in the attic.

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to

I've got a little shed facing south, it's been great for seeds. I like your use of potatoes, half to eat, half to plant, never grown them before but it was your 'tiny fresh potatoes' that made my mouth water - I can feel the carb count slowly creeping up!

in reply to Slowdown

They have a low GI compared to full grown and if you boil then reheat the next day and fry or smother in butters it's almost low carb.

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to

That's it, decision made x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Slowdown

You can grow them layered in bags/buckets



Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to PMRpro

Thank you, good links to browse. I only started growing veg last year and am so glad I did - exercise, fresh air and immense satisfaction.

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to

Best make sure the cops don’t think you’re growing anything dodgy in the attic..... 👮‍♂️ 😉

in reply to Highlandtiger

🤣😂🤣 believe me some days when the windows are all open down the street a fog with a specific smell wafts down the street.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Hmmm...contact high?

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to

Still does our street. Lovely family at the end of the road. Walk to the Spar and back feeling well happy.

in reply to Estellemac


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Highlandtiger

Have you seen The Force NE (or something like that). Polis in Newcastle and area. Absolutely hilarious at times!

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to PMRpro

Did one person hide his drugs in a strange place saying it always looks like that.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Estellemac

Haven't seen that, One had a row of 4 houses and all the roof spaces knocked together - full of plants! The sheer naivety is mind boggling ...

Highlandtiger profile image
Highlandtiger in reply to PMRpro

Well of course no-one will notice the extraordinarily strong smell coming from it....😉

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to PMRpro

I'm expecting a delivery from Asda shortly. According to the email they sent this morning, there are 8 substitutions and 10 things missing altogether. The total is about £25 less than the original estimate. I've looked in my freezer and found bags of artichoke hearts, edamame beans, okra and pomegranate seeds that have been hanging around for some time. I've also unearthed bags of rice flour and chick pea flour. The current situation is a very good opportunity to finally use all these things...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marijo1951

And yet they tell us there isn't a supply problem!

in reply to PMRpro

They are changing my Tesco order every day it seems I ordered 50 pounds worth...mainly seasoning things, some nuts and drinks. I went in again to add stuff and it was down at 30. I went to 59 with different size Oxo etc and then yesterday down to 40. I got up to 72 last night as had to get expensive versions. I have an image of the confirmation but no email. I tried to order flour. Only wholewheat malted which suits me to make any bread I may knead (?!?!). No yeast so it's roti now or I do a sourdough starter if I get more flour. I have enough to do either a starter or roti if I want bread ....I only usually eat a sourdough lump of Saturday and the occasional slice of toast. All my bread gone as I didn't bother getting any on last shop.

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to

The last time I actually went shopping (10th March) I saw that Holland & Barrett had lots of 'buy one, get one half price' offers, so I stocked up on walnuts, organic dried apricots and almonds. Jolly glad I did too!

in reply to Marijo1951

I should have got more dried fruit and nut stuff. It keeps dropping off my tesco order.

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to PMRpro

Well, he's just been. I'd assumed (perhaps naively) that he would bring the stuff upstairs and leave it at my flat door, but he insisted he could only leave it just inside the main front door. This meant that I had 5 trips up and down 2 flights of stairs, 4 to pick up the bags and one to clean up some spilled yogurt. There were also 3 cracked eggs so guess who's having a frittata tonight! I'm pleased in a way that so much of the fresh stuff was missing as all the fresh vegetables and the mushrooms have a use by date of tomorrow or the next day.

By the way I've been wondering in the last couple of weeks if I'm getting better. The fact that I was able to do all that trekking and carrying stuff without immediately collapsing suggests that maybe I am... Hope I haven't jinxed myself by putting that thought in writing!

in reply to Marijo1951

Spit spit spit🤞

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marijo1951

And if you hadn't been able to get it? What a plonker - presumably working to the letter of the law and designating the main door alongside YOUR main door. Wonder who you could complain to. One friend approached her MP - and she asked a PMQs question...

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to PMRpro

I've thought about complaining or at least asking Asda to make their policy clear on the website (if it is their policy and not just him making up the rules) - after all I could have been really ill with a heart condition or something - but I don't know if I can be bothered, especially as it's impossible to get on their website at present . Asda has never been my favourite shop anyway so I'll just avoid them in future

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marijo1951

There will be volunteers delivering to people like you in future - not sure how that will work.

Here the volunteers collect your shopping list and money in an envelope, go to the shops and bring it back to your door, they set it down outside at a pre-arranged time and ring the bell so it isn't left lying around but you have no direct contact with each other.

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to PMRpro

We have some local volunteers. They left me a couple of flyers recently. Lovely people! Actually I changed my mind about complaining to Asda. I googled their customer services address and have just emailed them. After all other people might have been left in an impossible situation. I've asked them to clarify their policy.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marijo1951

Excellent!! I'm so pleased you did.

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to PMRpro

Had a standard reply saying they're unable to respond individually to emails at present (fair enough) but directing me to their FAQs regarding the current situation. There's a lot about maintaining the 2 m distance, but it also clearly says 'If you live in a flat the driver will still take this to your front door.' So he was definitely making up the rules and maybe they'll catch up with him one day.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marijo1951

Now if it was me I'd ring the local paper - if you still have such a thing. But you have your answer - he was being idle ...

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to PMRpro

If I was my sister Anna, I'd have it all over social media! Yes we have the Islington Tribune. Maybe I'll call them...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Marijo1951

Think I would too!!!!

in reply to Marijo1951


Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to

Inspirational idea. Have lots of chick peas too...

PMRCanada profile image

I’m torn between getting the spring cleaning done, and finding the motivation to do weekly housekeeping chores as no one is coming to visit. So every week we pick one room to spring clean (usually on a poor weather day because we don’t want to “waste” the sunny days). On Friday’s we choose how much housework/chores we feel like completing, and we’re both ok with that.

Besides, there’s more wiping down going on overall, especially when OH returns home from a grocery/supply run.

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