Woke up this morning and my head is spinning didn’t know this till I tried to get out of bed trying to sit up gradually it’s horrible feeling …. Is this down to the steroids ?
light headed , room spinning : Woke up this morning... - PMRGCAuk
light headed , room spinning

I don't think this is steroid related per se. I have had of bouts where the coving at ceiling level has appeared to slide sideways-horrible, but I just stayed in bed for the day and was recovered by the next. It may be ear-related: wax build-up??
There have been others here with similar experiences who will be along soon, I'm sure.
If you look in 'Related Posts' at the side of your screen you may get more information. Take care.
Thank you 123-go , just not been to good this week have also been having to dash to the toilet for a pee, no indication of UTI showing though.
Sorry to hear you've been feeling out of sorts. Just be aware of any other symptoms that may appear. Of course it would be the weekend when surgeries are closed but if you become concerned about anything ring 111 for advice.
Take it slowly and easily. Lets us know how things go.
Patient Reported Involvement of 8th Cranial Nerve. This relates to your ears.
If it continues I would be seeking my GP. Download and take it with you, they probably will not have seen it.

It might be - but you can't blame pred for everything and they don't excuse us from other problems!
Has it improved? Is it just while moving from lying to sitting to standing? Are you feeling sick as well? Any other new or worsened symptoms?
I am not at all surprised by your weeing. I was struck by a sudden desire to go to the loo when I started taking prednisolone. I was being invested for another issue which required several urine tests by my GP and referral to Urology for an ultrasound and cystoscopy. None of these revealed a UTI or anything else sinister. I still want to wee more than I used to but not as dramatically.
I just had this but the EPLEY maneuver I did at home worked!! google it. Probably from "crystal loose in ear canal" It worked before and this time it worked again. !
My brother had a similar problem. He mentioned it over lunch one day and I had just seen something on TV about it with the Epley manoeuvre. His GP refused to do it, but he got a physio to do it for him. I believe you can do it yourself.
My bouts of dizziness are not as severe as that but I have moments where I think “whoa “ and I have to stop completely for a short while. I don’t feel safe to move until it passes. ( It happens both sitting and standing .)
I have always assumed they are caused by the steroids as these bouts hadn’t happened before PMR.
I think they may have refused due to the possible after effects and the patient feeling worse, hence taking up their scheduled appt time. Only two GPs in my practice do this and you have to book a double appt. One time they sent me to a private consultant which I was embarrassed about as the cost to them was crazy. But it certainly works.
A few years ago I had a problem called Benign ? ? and was prescribed Buccustem sp? It was awful and I would randomly go giddy and feel sick.
It has now gone
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

that’s what eply maneuver is for!! Easy to do at home! If it ever happens again

Thank you for your info
I have bouts of vertigo, this sounds similar, but shoukd be diagnosed by a doctor, I think. I have tablets which help the sickness, and recommended by gp todo the Brandt daroff manoeuvre rather than Epley, I tried Epley but it made me too sick, I couldn’t complete it. The room spins a lot at times, it’s horrible! Maybe Google it, but it’s best to get a diagnosis, I think! Vertigo is horrible, I hope you don’t have it!
Thank you it has passed but I still feel bit wobbly head , I’m just staying at home in pjs day
Sounds like an attack of vertigo. I have had two such attacks but before I was taking prednisone. The first time I thought I was having a stroke. It's caused by a tiny crystal, about the size of a grain of salt, becoming dislodged in your ear.
up until Thursday last week both my ears were blocked with wax, the right one being the worst. After 7 days of olive oil (obtained from the chemist purified for ears) I had the wax removed by a procedure called micro suction. The pain in the right temple rapidly receded, and my experience of dizziness I spoke about earlier may have been implicated - who knows. I will be oiling my left ear shortly after our house move and having the wax removed, hopefully.
Could be one of many things, including possibly one of many different types of vertigo, there are dozens, you need to see a doctor if it happens again. Glad it seems to have settled