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Prednisolone juggling: post chest infection and trip to Kenya vs shame

Enfin profile image
9 Replies

I’d tapered down to 12 but with chest infection and antibiotics boosted to 22 for a few days then back to 12. Okay for 4-5 days then quite poorly again so went back to 20. Bit better now though stressed getting ready for 2 week trip to Kenya. Guess it’s not a good idea to play around with doses? Should I keep at 20 till come back? But then will have to go through slow taper again...

This is where the shame comes in. I’m so impressed with all the people I read about who’ve lost weight. I’ve but on 3 stone. (5’5” and nearly 14 stone, not pretty or healthy) I find this so distressing and feel ashamed about getting to this weight, seeing a gross lump in the mirror. Holiday prep is hard when none of my clothes fit. (1 week house and pool but guess I have to stay out of sun?) I have cut out carbs (oh my beloved potatoes) but whereas my husband has lost 25 lbs on the same diet I’m still gaining... I’d lost a lot of fitness before PMR kicked in because of 6 months of chest infection and 6 rounds of antibiotics. I had been feeling stronger before latest chest infection but now it’s harder to do enough exercise to help weight. I am on 12 other medications, who knows their combined effect.

So, I’m desperate to reduce Pred and have a chance to lose weight but I want to enjoy this holiday... help!

Sorry it’s such a long post


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9 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

I always seem to go through something like this before a journey. An odd illness, complete lack of confidence about my health and strength and appearance. It is almost a ritual. I definitely want to cancel the whole thing several times.

Shame has no place in this situation. Well done for addressing the carbs thing, it is sooo hard.

Buxom ladies are prized in my birthplace ( Nairobi). Wear loose comfy clothes, in light breathable fabrics. Sunglasses, sunhat and factor 50. I would stay at 20 mgs because of your chest infection , jabs, travelling and change.

The magic of Africa will embrace you and strengthen you. You will be looking outward not inward.

I had a long loose cotton dress on holiday in Spain, in one photo I think I look like a blancmange. My 2 year old grandson saw me in it and stepped back in awe exclaiming wow! It is all in the eye of the beholder, people love us for who we are, not our size. Have an awesome time and tell us all about it! 🌸

Enfin profile image
Enfin in reply to SheffieldJane

Thank you Sheffield Jane - it’s good to hear I’m not the only one! We’ve a week at Watamu where we’ll celebrate my brother’s 70th, three nights in Thika then three in Zanzibar so I hope to come back renewed - and refreshed (Not like last trip driving Thika to Watamu -12 hrs, then Thika to Kericho interspersed with formal meetings for a children’s home where we used to be trustees... wonderful but exhausting pre PMR)

Thank you for your advice and reassurance.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Enfin

What a wonderful adventure - demand rest when you need it and have an amazing, fulfilling time.

Ah Nicky, please don’t be ashamed, not everyone can lose the weight no matter how they try......

Firstly, l’d consider 15mg for your trip, the increase to 20mg was for your Chest Infection so no need to stay at that dose.

Treat yourself to some nice lose clothes, a large hat, bigger necklaces & earrings & just go for it.

Don’t let the weight make you unhappy, you can review it when you get back but enjoy your holiday.

I’m at least two stone overweight but am 5’7” so can carry it off a little bit, l don’t have my photo taken at the moment.

You need a higher factor sunscreen & sit in the shade for some of the time.

I hope you’ve organised Airport Assistance, ordered plenty of Meds including some Antibiotics if your GP will give you them as you’re prone to Chest Infections.

Just Remember the Old You is still in there, enjoy your trip & if you have WiFi give us an update & photo.

Take Care

Kind Regards

MrsN 😎👒🌞

Enfin profile image
Enfin in reply to

Thank you MrsN for your practical advice and reassurance.

I have organised Airport Assistance and plenty of meds. I hadn’t thought about asking my GP for extra Antibiotics just in case, sounds a good idea.

Everyone else can see the Old Me still, not the outer shell, so I’ll try to remember that I’m not my PMR - or my Bipolar Disorder. I am me doing my best to get through it.

Thank you again, you’ve brought my thinking to a better place.😊

Hi Nicky, getting ready for a holiday is very stressful and stress releases hormones that can cause increased pain. I agree with MrsN that trying 15mg might be enough. I would supplement that with some painkillers to see if it helps. I don't mean one dose, I mean a few days if regular dosing to see if it helps. It sounds like you have been getting infections and hopefully if you are still feverish the paracetamol will help.. When I flare and seem to have a low grade fever type feeling paracetamol helps, even when the strong painkillers I take for other reasons don't. Of course you have probably tried that approach.....grandmas and eggs spring to continue if you do!

Now for the other thing... Shame. I am so sorry you feel that way. Its not a helpful emotion in any situation. I am just about into the Dr's obese category after spending a while in morbidly obese... I have yoyo dusted for most of my adult life but can say I have managed to avoid shame as I don't like feeling negative about myself. You need to be kinder to yourself, carrying a bit of weight is not a "fault". Your time will come and you will find a way of eating that suits you. When you return you can post for support on food intake and different ways of eating, you can pm me about it if you want.... But after you enjoy a fabulous holiday! 💜🌎🛫🛬

Enfin profile image

Thank you Poopadoop, I hadn’t thought about stress releasing hormones not taking painkillers. I’ve steered away from them but you’re right, I have had fluey type symptoms and they would’ve helped. I suppose I worry about taking more meds but it’s worth it for a few days to get over it.

I’ll be interested to talk about food etc when I get back.

Thank you again ☀️

in reply to Enfin

I hope you feel better and enjoy your holiday 🤞🌻

in reply to Enfin

Just realised the phone autocorrected dieting to dusting.... Its really funny if you know me... But i will leave it. 😅😉

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