Covid - some thoughts……: Well after 13 days I am... - PMRGCAuk


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Covid - some thoughts……

jaycee444 profile image
34 Replies

Well after 13 days I am finally testing negative (2nd clear test today). The whole experience has has left me feeling a bit angry that the government ditched all precautions and left the general population feeling like ‘it is all over’! After 3 years and five vaccinations and still always wearing a KN95 mask for shopping etc, disinfecting my trolly (carrying antiviral wipes with me in case there is no disinfectant) I still managed to get it. If I shop which I tend to do early in the morning I am sometimes the only person still wearing a mask and it makes me angry!!! I dont know how I picked Covid up but I do know that looking how the rest of the population is now so complacent it must be absolutely rife!

This Covid infection gave me a hard time - cant think of any time Ive felt so ill and I know and feel that Im not completely over the hill yet and mentally it has left me feeling really under par. This morning I want to strip all my bedding and get it washed and disinfected even though I only changed it a couple of days ago. Everything kind of feels a bit dirty. I need to resist the temptation to start heavy cleaning because I know it wont help my recovery. I should be over the moon but I am just sad and deflated….. Please dont get complacent, keep wearing your masks. At least you will be doing your best to keep yourself clear of this horrible bug.

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jaycee444 profile image
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34 Replies
123-go profile image

Your anger and frustration is justified and you’re right, it isn’t fair especially considering the sensible measures you had taken to protect yourself. My own reaction to the receptionist at my GP surgery several months ago when she told me I didn’t need to wear a mask in the building was barely contained! However, accepting that it is what it is may be the best way forward now and will ease the stress on mind and body. As for the bed sheets, pull the covers back, open the window and let them have a good airing while you luxuriate in the bath 🛁 or under the shower 🚿. A day or two longer and you’ll be feeling stronger and better equipped to tackle a chore or two 🤞.

Thanks for the reminder to resist complacency! 💐

I totally agree with you regarding masks. I always wear one when in a shop or public environment.

We were asked once "Why we were still wearing masks?" and I said quite pleasantly "because it helps us mind our own business"

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

Maybe a bit over the top but I even wear one when I answer the door. 😷

pal-o-mine profile image
pal-o-mine in reply to Rachmaninov2

My son, who helps us with our Tesco delivery (and who never goes out except to dentist or for covid jabs) still wears a proper mask when taking in our Tesco shopping at the door for us. Only one of the delivery drivers wears a mask to deliver as he knows we are vulnerable. We gave him a Christmas gift of £20 as a Thank You for being considerate. My husband went into Vision Express before my sight test to ask the optom to wear a mask during my eye check and luckily he obliged. It's a crazy world some of us live in now. Can't remember the last take-away we had.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to pal-o-mine

The same here, only one of Sainsburys delivery drivers wears a mask. I’m pleased to say that the two GPs I’ve seen recently have worn masks but some hospital doctors haven’t. This does surprise me.

in reply to pal-o-mine

Tesco delivery are superb in my area. It's good to get your stuff delivered. We always give the driver a can of diet coke. Liz always wears a mask

About take away. We don't do takeaways anymore (even though we get out and about- with masks!) We get all our luxury foods at Marks and Spencer each week. We used to get taxi's everywhere for years BUT worked out it was costing us £3000 a year so now we use that for lovely M & S prepped food (the curry is really nice) and of course their hygiene standards are top notch. I'm a strict Veggie and love the Plant Kitchen range.


pal-o-mine profile image
pal-o-mine in reply to

Thanks for sharing David. I will have to look into M&S range and also the Plant Kitchen range. It's great to be able to share new ideas on this forum :)

in reply to

We also stopped eating at restaurants as we like simple stuff and got to dislike the ceremony of dining out.Our savings easily pay for all our steaming services and music from Spotify. Much nicer being at home with M and S sourdough hummus and olives! Plus the aforementioned Plant Kitchen range

The only area we don't scrimp are holidays, clothing and can even pay a home cleaner with our no taxi savings.


LucilleG profile image
LucilleG in reply to Rachmaninov2

I do the same!

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to LucilleG

It’s worth doing and it doesn’t take a minute.

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Rachmaninov2

We have an A4 size sign on door saying we are vulnerable, please knock the door, & stand well back. 99% of people do. The 1% read it wrongly & think we have Covid & stand even further back! Just an idea. Fir Sainsburys delivery, they deliver into plastic fold up crates on our driveway. We are lucky & have a motorhome with large fridge/freezer. Our Sainsbury weekly delivery goes in there for 3 days, then into our cottage. As we’ve been doing this for four years now, it’s become an easy routine…just thought I’d share it!! Now that everybody else has been able to stop mask wearing we only wear FFP2 masks. Last week at the doctors people arrived without a mask & put one on (that the surgery has to buy now) I was disgusted when I saw people helping themselves to 2 or 3 masks!! Small rant over!

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Pixix

The sign is a good idea, I may do the same. Can I ask where you get your FFP2 masks and the cost?

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Rachmaninov2

of course, I buy through eBay, but always pick ones that are for medical use & are single sterile packed & come with a certificate of conformity to the Standard. S x

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Pixix

Useful info. many thanks. 🙂

Sharitone profile image
Sharitone in reply to Rachmaninov2

I thought these were a good buy - but you get some colours that you might not want to wear!

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Sharitone

Ah so they aren’t all white. Thanks.

Perhaps I could use the coloured ones when I answer the door!

Sharitone profile image
Sharitone in reply to Rachmaninov2

I gave a yellow one to my mum! But nobody wants the green ones.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Sharitone

I wouldn’t have a problem with green ones, they would be a change from the white ones I have now.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Sharitone

I wear green ones! With a red coat - particularly good at xmas!

pal-o-mine profile image
pal-o-mine in reply to Pixix

That's great. I think I'll make a sign saying we've all got Covid, and then perhaps we'll have people standing well back too! :) About the masks; Hubby and I both went for blood tests at the hospital (for different reasons) and a box of free masks (newly filled) was emptied by one couple within 2 minutes, with no shame at all.

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to pal-o-mine

That’s dreadful! I spoke to the nurse at our surgery & she said they aren’t supplied to the surgery by Govt or NHS, they have to supply them out if their profits!! Makes me wonder…

SnazzyD profile image

oh I know! I wear a mask because I don’t want flu either or any of the other bugs right now because I’m still recovering from the bugs before Christmas. I say to people that I am choosing not to become ill this week because I’ve got a a lot on and don’t fancy it. Actually, I feel it’s a positive step in that even though I am usually the only one, it isn’t questioned now. It would have been pre 2020. I feel more empowered to decide when/if I become ill in a not too socially unacceptable way.

I have friends who think it’s all hogwash and I even heard him say to someone else that those who wear masks are “prats”. Luckily for him he breezed through Covid as did his wife, and is in general one of the chronically well.

I would be very wary of slowly becoming afraid in your own home so you don’t become slave to pointless cleaning. It’s a slippery slope to health anxiety ruling your life if you make yourself afraid to be in your safe place. You could end up stopping self care activities to carry out others for no benefit.

Do be careful when you remove your mask because it has filtered all that potentially bug laden air. It’s possibly worse than the tin on beans you picked off the shelf.

in reply to SnazzyD

We always cut the elastic strings on our masks when we discard them.

Suvi8901 profile image

Have you caught covid from someone you live with?

Perhaps a visitor who transmitted the virus to you?

Did anyone in your personal space cough, sneeze, splutter or shout near you so YOU had TO inhale all their infected droplets of exhaled water vapour?😱😰

jaycee444 profile image
jaycee444 in reply to Suvi8901

I could have picked it up anywhere. I havent been hiding myself away for the past couple of years just taking extra precautions when I can. I do mix with friends and of course at times I am not wearing a mask. My point is that because no-one is now wearing a mask and there are no legal requirements regarding isolating its very difficult to avoid acquiring it at some point however careful you are. Lateral flow tests now have to be paid for (by the majority of the population) Why with the cost of living crisis and energy bills would people want to start paying out for test kits? Most people now feel it is to be treated like flu and admittedly for some it is a mild infection. For those unlucky enough to have a bad dose it is no laughing matter.

HalleysComet profile image

I am sorry to hear you have been infected by this virus which has not gone away, in spite of the government’s assertions. I caught mine in October from my husband who had a conversation with someone for only a few minutes. It has left me with a racking cough that wakes me several times a night and asthma which has returned from pre-PMR days. It is not something to take lightly.

I still wear a mask in indoor spaces, particularly in dentist & doctors’ waiting rooms and having BP measured. I suspect my 5 vaccinations and recent Covid have left me with a certain amount of immunity but I am not banking on it.

I hope you feel better soon.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to HalleysComet

Not sure the government ever said the virus would go away - and the fact they are intending to implement another round of booster vaccines shows they very much think it’s here to stay.

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to DorsetLady

Suspect it's going to around for the foreseeable future in the same way that Influenza is and we'll get update jabs every year.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Bcol

Sure you’re right ….ah well.

Just have to be grateful we can in 21st century…

Treetop33 profile image
Treetop33 in reply to DorsetLady

And they have, ahem, installed a high spec filtration system in parliament and government offices.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Treetop33

Unbelievable! But on the other hand perhaps not.🤔

Tiggy70 profile image

Hi Jaysee, sorry to hear of your experience with Covid. When I got it last July I felt extremely tired for 6 weeks and had a persistent cough for a month. We think we picked it up at a family wedding in Ibiza. Hang in there it does get easier! Despite what the majority of the population are doing I’m still wearing a mask when out and about around people. I went to see Pretty Woman the musical (very good by the way) in London’s West End last Friday. I wore my mask throughout the whole performance. It was packed but I was the only person wearing a mask! Having ‘survived’ Covid I’m less scared of it now but will certainly carry on taking precautions not to get it again. I hope you feel better soon and don’t overdo things as it will just delay your recovery 🌸

jaycee444 profile image
jaycee444 in reply to Tiggy70

Yes Im already beginning to see that I have to take things slowly. Got the hoover out this morning but by time I’d finished I was absolutely breathless and had to sit down for an hour. I certainly wouldn’t like to go through this again but however careful we are we may not be able to avoid it…..

Treetop33 profile image

I also find the public response very "don't look up". It's odd given the government has itself decided to install high spec ventilation and filtration systems in its own offices and parliament. No expense spared there! It's maddening given all the info coming out now about how Covid messes with your immune system, could be permanently.

I still wear masks and make my family (and me) use a nasal protective spray. Some people stare but I couldn't care less. If people comment on it I point out the above. My daughter goes to school though and picks up bugs all the time. I dutifully keep her home but you are meant to send them in sick and all.

Hope you feel better soon xx

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