I was a bit nervous about this appointment - I'd had a dream a couple of nights ago where I saw a doctor who dismissed everything I said and told me there was nothing wrong with me - but this couldn't have been more different. Dr. Chitale was lovely. He really listened to all my history of aches and pains and tiredness that go back many years but got a lot worse about two years ago. He confirmed what I suspected, I have had fibromyalgia for quite a long time but then developed Polymyalgia. It was good to get my suspicions confirmed. He is going to ask my GP to prescribe pregabalin for the fibro - another medication to add to the list with, possibly another set of side effects. I had been a bit worried I might be developing CGA but he ruled that out but made it quite clear that I should get urgent help if symptoms developed. I said I followed this forum and he said it was very good ( more brownie points for him!)
He does want me to try to reduce the steroids though, 1mg at a time down to 12 and then half a mg after that. I'll start tomorrow using Dorset Lady's slow taper. He may consider steroid sparers if I have problems getting down.
He's also given me an open referral so if I want to see him any time in the next 12 months I can make a referral through his secretary. All in all a good visit.
The hospital is quite close to West Shore beach in Llandudno so we went for an ice cream afterwards. The picture doesn't really do it justice, it was brighter and sunnier than it looks. It doesn't quite compare with Italy but there was something nice and homely about the feel of the air and the cool North Wales breeze. At that point I felt quite perky - it was good to feel validated and know what I'm dealing with. By the time I got home, via a Tesco shop, I'd slumped though and just felt doubly tired! I have two excuses now!