There’s 15 minutes of my life I’ll never get back! What a waste of my time. Was diagnosed with PMR in hospital 6 months ago and put on 10 mg of prednisolone. At my request, as still in a lot of pain, it was upped three months later and I went up to 15mg. A couple of months after that I upped it again to 17.5mg and that relieved most of my pain. GP unhappy with this and said to go back to 15mg. Then she changed her mind, but forgot to tell me, that 17.5mg would be okay.
Anyway, saw rheumatologist yesterday, who confirmed my starting dose should have been higher, said he would have started me on 20mg and that obviously I’ve been messed around a bit by GP. His proposed plan for me is to reduce monthly from now, going from 17.5-15-12.5-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0. He reckons it’ll only last another year to a year and a half and then I’ll most likely be fine. He said there are some people who are on it a bit longer. I love his optimism lol...
He did say that if I have a flare I should go back to the dose the has worked previously before reducing again and that makes total sense to me. I’ll be following the advice of my fellow sufferers on here, with his guidance in the background, and it will take as long as it takes.