Does anyone have any solution to the excessive sweating problem.I can just suddenly become very hot and sweating causing my hair to be dripping wet and body to be very hot and passes in about ten minutes but I am left very uncomfortable.thanks
Excessive hot flushes: Does anyone have any... - PMRGCAuk
Excessive hot flushes

I only got it following exertion, as if I burst into flames. I used to fill the sink and rest my arms in cold water for a couple of minutes, up to the elbow. This seemed to halt it. The symptom passed as I lowered my dose.
Hi . I tend to get very hot when I drink hot drinks and also usually 4/5 pm time as well for some reason. I suppose I have been quite fortunate that those hot sweats haven't been awful and excessive- usually folk I'm with go about opening windows and are confused to what is going on! I've in the past read a lot of other folks' experiences re this so if you type in say sweating or perspiration in the query box on this site I'm sure you will find lots of posts. Jackie

Linda, when at it's worst, especially at the high doses around 40 mg, I used to sit with a headband around my head a la John McEnroe to catch it before pouring down the back of my neck. Avoiding all spicy foods, caffeinated drinks and alcohol can help.

It might help to wear microfibre clothes next to the skin - like athletes/walkers do. It wicks the sweat away from the skin so you aren't left sitting in damp clothes. It's not so bad at home, you can go and change, but when you are out and about it is horrible.
Hair, of course, is another problem
Hard to immerse arms in cold water sometimes, but if you carry a metal water bottle with cold water you can apply it to the side of your neck and that can help cool you quickly. I haven't had pred hot flashes, but found this useful during midlife when at work, attending performances, on the bus, etc.
I have had a real problem with this little gift😅. It seemed any activity would set it off, even walking about in a warm shop. Finally, I started wearing bandanna headbands as part of my “costume” because otherwise sweat would literally drip from my hair. The headband at least kept it sopped up so it didnt drip in my eyes. If i didnt need the head band, i gave it a twist and wore it on my wrist. Not the most elegant solution, but it worked for me.
This is an annoying element of PMR that seems to bother some more than others. As Celtic said, avoiding alcohol and spicy foods can help.
Kind regards, Jerri
I get them every hour or so normally since surgery 18 months ago. In the beginning it was so bad, i had to change bed sheets and clothes few times a night.
Really there's no remedy. I used venlaflaxin which helped a bit but then stopped working so i came off it.
Just keep your hand fan handy and your bedroom cool at night.
I blame the PMR rather than the Pred! I had terrible sweats for no apparent reason which went as soon as i was on a high enough dose of Pred (15mg) but tend to come back as I get down a bit. I'm on 9 at the moment and am getting night sweats but not too bad! Thanks DLady I'll try the cold water trick.
There is a thing called a chillow pillow which I find so helpful with the sweats.
You can put it anywhere on your body to help
I find it brilliant you can buy them online just put it in google