This wonderful group has kept me sane over the past months since my mums GCA diagnosis begin March answering many queries ive had along the way.My mum had been on pregabalin 100mg twice a day which after her GCA diagnosis and the fact all her aches and pains disappeared once on prednisolone our GP decided to start reducing the pregabalin dose. He feels that any unnecessary medication should be stopped where possible. so over 3 months we went from 200mg to 100mg to 50mg and a week ago he said to stop altogether. She had tapered without any issues till this final drop and within 24 hours of going to zero she started having what seemed to me like withdrawal effects . She had headache for couple days upset stomach nausea which have now passed but shes still having hot flushes and the back of her neck gets soaking wet with sweat and she says she still doesnt feel 100%.
I looked it up and it does mention you can suffer from withdrawal which can start within 24 hours and last up to 2 or 3 weeks.
Is there anyone out there whos suffered anything similar?
My mum is coping with them fine they are more a nuisance to her but my concern is she is due to drop to 15mg of prednisolone on Sat after 4 weeks at 17.5mg and i would rather she was feeling 100% before we do that. Im always wary when we drop as she has been very lucky up till now and i dont want anything getting in way of that.
Another quick one has anyone suffered from like red cheeks while on prednisolone. My mum looks as if she has rosacea.
Thanks again for reading my post.