I had totally forgotten that I found this bit of info well over a year ago when the usual question about the shingles vaccine was asked and wrote a post about it:
"I can't give you the direct link but on a site called "virginiahopkinstestkits" There is a quote from Merck ( the makers of Zostavax):
"According to Merck, the maker of Zostavax, “Serious vaccine-related adverse reactions that have occurred following vaccination with Zostavax include asthma exacerbation and polymyalgia rheumatica [An inflammatory disorder that causes widespread muscle aching and stiffness, primarily in your neck, shoulders, upper arms, thighs and hips, that can last months or even years.] Other serious adverse events reported following vaccination with Zostavax include cardiovascular events (congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema).”
The Zostavax vaccine can also cause shingles.
Notice the CDC says that the vaccine is effective for about half the population age 60 to 69, but only provides “some protection” for older groups. As we get older, it’s more difficult for our immune systems to mount an antibody response in response to a vaccine. That’s why the flu shot isn’t very effective for senior citizens."
You can get a link there for Merck's prescribing info. Google a chunk of the quote and you should get a direct link so you can use it.
If the manufacturers are admitting this it should be taken seriously."
This is the direct link to merckvaccines where you can read it yourself - straight from the horse's mouth: