Hi, I know that this topic has been covered before but I thought I would add my own experience of a GP who flatly refuses to believe that there could be any link between my receiving the Zostavax live vaccine for Shingles in September 2018 and my subsequent diagnosis of PMR 6 months later. I have now messaged him as follows:
"Thank you for replying so quickly to my previous question about the Shingles vaccination I received last September. I appreciate that the last thing Primary Care Practitioners want are patients loading them down with information they have gained from the Internet, often of dubious provenance. However, even Merck themselves have stated that PMR is a "serious vaccine-related adverse reaction" to the Zostavax vaccine - see the third main paragraph in merckvaccines.com/Products/...
My concern is that, if PCP's are unaware of this, it will not be reported under the Yellow Card system, and statistics showing the true incidence of this possible side-effect will not be available. I also understand from the charity PMRGCA.co.uk that this side-effect may occur at any time from one week to 6 months following vaccination with the Zostavax live vaccine - see pmrgca.co.uk/content/home-page and search for Zostavax or Shingles. I hope the website links I have quoted will work for you."
It will be interesting to see how he responds. Is there any way to get this info out to more PCP's in the UK? How many of us on this Forum have a similar experience?