Hi5 years ago, after 2 years of incontinence issues,I had a major pelvic floor repair operation. It was traumatic as I needed much more stitching,recovery took over a year and I had to self catheterise for 6 months and struggle with dilators.
My pudendal nerve was cut during the op.
Now I am finding that my incontinence has returned and I feel a dragging ache in my vagina.It's also difficult to find a comfortable position to sit in,especially in the evenings. I wake to pee once or twice a night which is exhausting.
My Dr's appointment is not for a month.
Should I keep on with my Squeezy app exercises or rest? I walk and do yoga which helps. Does the Buff Muff help - has anyone used it?
Also,has anyone found a good pelvic floor specialist physio in East Sussex please?
Sending love and thoughts to anyone else suffering pelvic pain.