Hi. I have been suffering with the following symptoms for nearly two years: burning and building pressure, particularly behind the penis and in the perineum, but also inside the urethra - at the base of the penis, underneath, and in the anus. This is a twisting, nervy, pressure pain that builds in intensity. There is a raw, broken feeling - a high pitched sensation, like nails down a blackboard. It feels like a cold thumb hit by a hammer - a numb burning, throbbing sensation. There is increased sensitivity - to touch and to movement, and a hot liquid sensation inside the urethra - foreign body sensation. It feels like there is a ball of fire behind the penis and in the perineum, moving around. There is an itching and tickling sensation; spasms that shoot inside penis and back to anus.
Sometimes, there is a very odd feeing in my pelvic floor - like the bottom is falling out; like going down on a rollercoaster. This only really occurs when I am falling asleep in bed at night and in the dawn hours. Occasionally, I suffer cystitis-like symptoms - it burns, stings and hurts when urinating. After urinating, it feels like fireworks are going off in the urethra and perineum - burning, tingling and spasms. But momentarily, there is a sense of relief; a release of pressure. Going to the toilet also sets off the symptoms.
The symptoms are worst in the hour before I get-up in the morning, in the evening and after a long period of sitting-down: the attacks build in intensity - scratching and burning sensation, pressure and desperate to pee. It feels like hot liquid moving around inside the urethra.
I take 2 x 300mg Pregabalin a day.
I wonder if anyone suffers from similar symptoms and if so, if you have any tips, recommendations or success stories.
Thank you.