hello, I have been suffering for over 5years and kept getting sent away by GP who told me I was just old,I was in my 50s, extremely fit and healthy. Now Iam chronic,await a defecating proctogram and have to irrigate my bowel. I attended for a sigmoidoscopy which was very very painful,it felt like they had turned me inside out I am awaiting a defecating proctogram in a week's time,the referral has taken 3y ears. The pain has got worse every day,I can't walk or sit down and cry out in agony when I try to turn over when I lie down. My GP just ignores me and never returns my call. Please can anyone give me any advice?
any advice about extreme pain follow... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
any advice about extreme pain following a sigmoidoscopy

Hi, If I was you I would change my doctor, disgraceful that they ignore you. If your next test comes back fine I would ask for other tests like MRI scan or ultrasound scan. In my opinion you don’t get pain for nothing. I had pains and it turned out that I have Tarlov cysts on my spine, these cause all sorts of problems. Don’t just take what your doctor says, you know your own body. Hope you get a proper diagnosis soon. All the best.Suzie
Sorry for late reply, thank you for your reply. I did change my doctor. I was due to have test yesterday and they cancelled again, third time now, and sent me a text message saying they will phone me in 3 months and see how I'm getting on. I'm lost for words and trying hard not to get depressed but it has helped me loads the informative and caring responses I received
Phone you in 3 months time, what about your test. I would phone them and ask when your test will be, tell them you wish to still have your test done. Now they just seem to tell people they will phone them, how does this help anyone. I am lost for words too, where is care these days. Hope you get sorted and soon, keep asking.
Yes I would of changed my gp. extremely rude to you.I get fobbed off at times but are usually helpful.it’s hospitals that seem to right me off and say can’t help me much with things as too complicated with all my conditions and meds I am onI must thank you thou as I have never heard of the defacating proctogram.Always had to have a colonoscopy and told there isn’t any other way.I have slight prolapse and feel I have a lazy bowel which is probably the muscles gone or ? I use meds to loosen bowel and eat well but it doesn’t seem enough.Well a week will pass quick.try and take painkillers at 4hr intervals 4 times a day to help while waiting.I hope you get a good result
Defecating photogrammetry will tell you extent of rectocele so will certain mri scans.
We all need specialist multi disciplinary pelvic floor units like they have in London.
Please write to your MP's or start on line petition to get the correct number of signatures to get it talked about in Parliament....
Thank you, yes I am horrified how it is just seen as not important. This has changed my life completely and I just get sent round and round in circles. They told me at the GP that they only help with intervention about one patient every 2 years. Now they have cancelled the proctogram again. It all seems like they just hope I die or kill myself without having to spend a penny on me. I can't believe how many are suffering. Thank you again for your reply
Go to A and E.
Possible small tear from procedure or infection.
Please just go to A and E.
Good luck
Thank you for your reply. I went to A and E about 18 months ago. They gave me a scan but said they couldn't see my pelvis. They just cancelled the test I was supposed to be having yesterday and told me they will ring me on 23 November to see how I am. I am still lying on the floor most of the day and I just seen to have been abandoned
Also it could be something else not your bowel, bladder and uterus, ovaries are a close.
Could be some problem near the bowel causing g it to be painful ( referred pain)
Have bladder check and hysteroscopy as well if think you may have fibroid etc.
Blood tests may give light to a problem.
Take probiotics, trial and error with them sometimes as we are all different.
Not sure what your initial symptoms were, can you elaborate please?
I hope you are getting some relief. Check for a temperature in case infection.
Have you done a stool sample and have you been checked for parasites worms etc especially if you have been abroad or eaten raw fish meat etc
If pain is getting worse since sigmoidoscopy try and see a specialist privately for a second opinion.
Look at Benenden healthcare membership also, highly recommend