afternoon ladys i went a walk for 40mins monday but i knew when i got home id pay the legs ache realy bad and feet afterso it was standing on them for a hour. so when i went out monday and walked through the pain .i felt so tierd and legs ached realy bad i sat all evening with the bad achey burning feeling in them so iput my feet up on the pouf . but iv been haveing a pain on the left side under navel and it feels a little puffy . and i can only be on my feet to do 1 job at a time then i have to sit down again . light jobs like putting washing in and hanging it out im just so down with siting in alot and feeling this pain in pelic pain on the left now i cant seen to get comfy. what causes a pain on the left hand side ? can any one shed some light on this .xx
pelvic pain : afternoon ladys i went a... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
pelvic pain

It could any of a number of things. You might have pulled a muscle or you have a UTI or something more. Best off seeing a doctor if it's gets too bad or you start getting other symptoms like I did.
I don't really know what it could be. Do you have tight pelvic muscles? I know that when I try to walk a lot, it makes my pelvic pain worse. My problem is tight pelvic muscles and I've been getting better slowly from pelvic floor physical therapy (internal work) and stretches. I also use a dilator to help stretch the tight muscles. My walking and standing have improved over time. I know how discouraging it can be, feeling like you have to lay around all the time. You want to be active but the pain keeps you down. I will pray for you friend. Hang in there and seek a PT person if you haven't already.
iv got a number to ring for physiotherapist so ill ring them after the bank holiday . when i try to go a walk the on the left side pelvil pain comes on and my feet realy hurt and legs . thankyou for replying to me im geting down with it. just want to have one day were i can feel like my old self . thankyou its nice to know theres ladys who understand i m so pleased your physical therapy as helped you and i will ring up and book in .if it helps xx
You're welcome. I've been struggling with this pain for a couple of years now but the physical therapy seems to be helping. I'm just gonna keep with it and see how it goes. My pain and tightness are on my right side mainly. I know my right leg muscles are tighter than my left leg muscles. Try not to get depressed because it can get better with time. I hope your physical therapy person can shed some light on your condition.