Hello everyone I've had pelvic pain for nearly 4 months now sick of going to the gp, paying a private chiropodist to me twice a week who thinks my pelvic is twisted sick of the pain, initially the pain was deep in my groins too but it has eased off since seeing chiropodist but the pain is still there and it affects my daily life, Dr's haven't done much keep blaming a tiny fibroid and polyp they found in lining of my womb, fibroid they cant do anything about and polyp they will keep eye on and since just keep getting sent for blood tests. I feel like I'm going around in circles any advice for me ?
Pelvic pain and groin pain - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pelvic pain and groin pain

Hi Sophiazz,Sorry to hear that you haven’t been able to get help so far for the pain you are in. I hope you’ll find support here and a way forward. A new approach might be to find a qualified physiotherapist for pelvic pain. Depending on where you live this can be easier or not so easy. Do a search on this site and on the internet to find out names and experiences. A women‘s PT may be able to suggest a good doctor as well. I hope this is helpful and good luck!
Have you ever had surgery where they used metal parts? Things like Titanium Filshie clips used in tubal ligation can migrate and embed in our bladder, pelvic floor, rectum, intestines and peritoneum. Get an X-ray to be sure.
Where does it hurt the most? What does it feel like? Muscle spasms? Achy? Does it burn? Can you urinate and defacate pain free?
Have the doctors ruled out vulvodynia, proctalgia?
Natural supplements like turmeric and passionflower may help the pain.
Hello Sopiazz
Could you tell me if you had a Fall or accident recently that could have twisted your pelvic area?
I also recommend to find a qualified pelvic floor physical therapist. In my experience with two years of pelvic pain I have learnt that most doctors know little or nothing of the pelvic area. PFPTs are trained and specialised to these questions and they know what to look for and how to treat the problems with pelvic area. You might also need ex-rays and maybe MRI to see and/or exclude problems in the pelvis and lumbar spine.
I don't think any supplements are much of help for pelvic pain. I take mild opiates (Tramadol) and vaginal diazepam and I'm still in pain but at least the medication alleviates the pain a little. I have been seeing doctors but the only help I get from them is medication. I also went to MRI, but the cause of pain was not found in the MRI.
PFPF has been the biggest help for me. I have had PT now for about three months twice a week and it has helped some.
The road to recovery of pelvic pain can unfortunately be long and bumpy so you need a lot of patience. As I said, you need medication for the pain and a qualified PFPT, who will probably also give you advise on exercises to do at home. There are a lot of exercise videos in YouTube to alleviate pelvic pain, also videos of how to straightens oblique pelvic bones.
I recommend to find the PFPT asap, because when the pain gets chronic it will take even more time and treatment to get better.
I wish you luck and get well soon.
I'm really sorry you are feeling like this, I had loads of blood tests and they always it mental health problems and just going round in circles. I have Endometriosis 4 and because I haven't had any operations and because when I was younger, they didn't want to operate on me. Now I feel lost and know what to do. I had been neglected by NHS and privately too.