Prolapse and pessery fitting - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Prolapse and pessery fitting

Baker12 profile image
33 Replies

I have been coping with prolapse bladder for past 18months, recently had a hospital appointment where they offer me a pessery but because I w as coping decided to carry on a while longer, but then after appointment it seemed my prolapse was worse whether it was examination or just a coincidence, so had to go to doctor she offered a pessery which I decided to try, been a few days but I have this pressure on my back passage is this because it’s to big? If anyone has had this done can advise?

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Baker12 profile image
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33 Replies
Ekks profile image

I have been reading a lot and it is quite normal for it to take 3or 4 different one's till you find the right one. I am waiting to see a specialist and I want to try this out rather than surgery I hope you find your way forward. Sending hugs 😊

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to Ekks

Thankyou, I’m going today to have it changed so hopefully it will feel abit more comfortable, didn’t want to g down surgery route just yet. Hope you get on ok too when you see the specialist 😘

Ekks profile image
Ekks in reply to Baker12

I am waiting for the clinics to open up I am struggling with the burning pain and can't walk far or sit for long. I'm ready to try everything to help this so I can get my life back. I'm trying to stay positive. I hope you find what works for you hugs😊

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to Ekks

I know the feeling of not walking far, I have been working I’m on my feet all day work in retail and have work through pandemic, but I really struggle last week so had to do something, doctor signed me off work for 2 weeks because I was so anxious about it all. I really hope things improve for you too and you have some relief from your discomfort. 😘

Darcyblu profile image
Darcyblu in reply to Ekks

Hi,I wasn’t sure how to start a new thread so apologies for replying on this one!

I am really scared as I have just discovered a buldge which I am presuming is my bladder and it’s not where it should be!

I have had a heavy, dragging feeling and very erratic bowel movements for a week or so and I am now thinking I have a prolapsed bladder. I have read various info online and it doesn’t seem serious but I am extremely uncomfortable and have lower back and pelvic pain. Is there much my GP can do? I am 52 and had 3 normal deliveries many years ago. and a full hysterectomy. Any advice would be great, thank you.

Ekks profile image
Ekks in reply to Darcyblu

I have been the same since last year. Call your doctor. You need to get refered to a specialist. Lay down as much as possible and don't lift anything or push/pull, if the pain gets unbearable go to the hospital this is what my GP just told me. Im booked to see a specialist in 2 weeks now after telling him I can't wait 18 months like this. I'm taking senakot for the constipation don't get bunged up its hell. It is scary and lonely but the lovely lady's here have helped me so much. I wish you luck and I hope you find what works for you big hugs☺️

Darcyblu profile image
Darcyblu in reply to Ekks

Thank you so much for your reply. I am freaking out and specially when I read that it is not treated that seriously by the medics. I will definitely make an appointment to have a full examination. Luckily I have BUPA through my work so hoping to be seen sooner.I hate the thought of pessaries so would like to go straight to an op to get this sorted. 😊

Saramamag profile image
Saramamag in reply to Ekks

Surgery is so painful im on day 6 recovery and still in alot of pain

Ekks profile image
Ekks in reply to Saramamag

I do hope you can be pain free soon you are so brave sending you big hugs get well soon 😘

Saramamag profile image
Saramamag in reply to Ekks


Pessary62 profile image

I had a gelhorn pessary (rigid, shelf type). Ring pessary not sufficient. First one felt displaced same day (fallen into vagina) I went back and had a larger one fitted which suited me well for about 15 months. You have to be careful not to become constipated. You can’t have sex (or difficult as the specialist has to remove/change every 4-6 months). I also had 2 Ito infections during that time. In the end after a particularly painful removal by specialist I decided to try without whilst considering an operation as only other option. I would consider a pessary though as your prolapse may not be as severe as mine. Good luck!

Suzie42 profile image
Suzie42 in reply to Pessary62

I have had 5 failed pessary fittings, the last one gelhorn came out while on the toilet over the weekend. Relief as it was uncomfortable after 48 hours. I think they just arent compatible with my body. I know my prolapse has worsened after constant putting in and out of my body. I will be going down operation route next i think.

Donnay profile image
Donnay in reply to Pessary62

I had 2 ring pessary that kept coming out if I was on my feet for long periods of time. They were fitted at the hospital but I was refererred back to GP when 2nd was due to be changed. Went to a different dr as she was the only one at the group practice who had experience. What a difference this made! She said I needed a different type .... like a ring but with the inside bit filled in its pink and I think called a medgyn with support. Dr says I should be able to remove myself to have a sexual relationship as I could do the previous but it's so comfortable I'm loath to disturb it! I have a high fibre diet and take a dulcoease tablet at night ( stool softener) to avoid constipation. When I go to the toilet I support the area with a rolled up pad of toilet paper ( this was recommended by a very good physiotherapist at the hospital who specialises in prolapse and bowel problem) so far so good!

Keys2theworld profile image
Keys2theworld in reply to Donnay

That's very interesting. I've never heard of that one. Mine is called Portia ring pessary and works fine. I do sometimes have to press after I have had a pee to empty my bladder completely. It's not uncomfortable but I worry it is a sign that it's getting worse.

jmdb profile image

Like everyone says - it is trail and error to get the right fit. The whole business is a bit scary. Get another appointment with your doc. Do your pelvic floor exercises. I have had a prolapse for 9 years and the exercises do still help. Also lie on the floor with a couple of cushions under your bottom so gravity can help things slide back to where they should be. Oh and don't get constipated. Try and stay positive although I appreciate how difficult that can be.

Suzie42 profile image
Suzie42 in reply to jmdb

Diarrhoea has made my prolapse worse, I'm on medication that has side effects of diarrhoea. Unfortunately my gp says it's the same as being constipated, not good for prolapse.

jmdb profile image

I have also found a good You Tube person that deals with prolapses. Site is called femfusion.

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to jmdb

Thankyou will look at it later! Trying to keep calm going to the doctors in 2 hours really not looking forward to my appointment, just hope this one helps and an improvement on the last, just want to do normal day to day things and get back to work, thankyou for your advise.

jmdb profile image

We’re all in this very annoying situation together. Good luck at your appointment.

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to jmdb

Thankyou, take care too x

Spanielgirl profile image

How did you get on at your appointment? it’s a horrible situation to be in. Thinking of you. Take care x

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to Spanielgirl

Got on ok at doctor went down 2 sizes, but going to see how I get on with this pessery the next few days, still little bit of pressure in back passage so I will see how I feel if not back I go again!!! Thankyou for asking I know a lot of women suffer with it, so glad I found this forum then you feel you are not alone, take care too x

jmdb profile image

So pleased the appointment went well. Take care.

Spanielgirl profile image

Glad to hear all went well, onwards and upwards x

Baker12 profile image

Still having discomfort from this second pessery that I had fitted not sure she had just bruised me inside, just sore on my tail bone and still feel it in my back passage, so thinking about having it removed after weekend and given myself rest from it. Then maybe ringing hospital and having it fitted by someone there who might have more experience fitting them. Feeling so low about things this could be along path!! Any advice ?

Spanielgirl profile image

I’m so sorry to hear that it’s not going as well as you had hoped for. I can’t advice you on this as I’m on the same journey as you and have no desire to have a pessary, especially after having a coil many years ago, that my body decided to reject after a couple of days( unbelievable pain ). I’m treating myself with coconut oil and natural sea sponge pessary and it’s making a big difference. I would highly recommend them, especially as you are in control of your body.I had an emergency Gynie referral a week ago ( had a bleed) , was told you’re not here for a prolapse, great ! However it wasn’t a waste of time as they were able to confirm that there was no cancer, which was a relief. I have a follow up call with a GP, refuse to speak with the one who referred me who should have said it wasn’t for the prolapse. This journey is a mental and physical mine field that I never thought possible. Maybe someone else here will tell you what to expect. All I know is that I would be feeling the same as you, it would have to come out ! Take care, my thoughts are with you x

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to Spanielgirl

You are so kind to reply, especially as you have a lot of health concerns I wish you well too.I talked to my daughter today about things she said if it was uncomfortable just have it removed and give my body a rest from it. I tried also to have a walk with a friend but didn’t go far because it’s uncomfortable. So will havt to ring my doctor again on Monday, trouble with pandamic it’s not easy just to see your doctor. I agree this is not just physical it effects are mental health too. I hope you get some help too with things improve for you take care too x

jmdb profile image

I'm on my 3rd ring and, fingers firmly crossed, this one is comfortable. I had a month's 'rest' from the ring as I had an infection an some bleeding. Get another appointment and chat through how you are feeling. This is not just a physical thing but it totally takes over your thought processes and feelings. As I am feeling comfortable at the moment I can say the whole situation no longer dominates my every thought. Take care.

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to jmdb

I know it’s affecting me a lot! Went for a walk but only went out about 30mins and it’s just pressure and feels so tight which had to no if this is right, I’m phoning doctor again tomorrow and 99% sure I’m going to have it removed and give myself arrest from it,

Saramamag profile image

I just have this surgery 6days ago I wasn't offered the pessery because my prolapse was bad I had 3 very large babies and had to have a total hysterectomy when I was 26yrs old so I was having problems with prolapse for years. But I have a friend that has the pessery and she does have alot of pressure she says its uncomfortable at times.

RRmyhealth49 profile image

I'm having real problems getting my pessary fitted. I'm in agony. It's affecting my quality of life. Ive tried different sizes, they seem to move out of place as soon as I do any activity, even driving home from the hospital. I cant do anything that requires standing for to long , it's too uncomfortable. Can anyone give advice on this?

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to RRmyhealth49

Hi I’m in the same situation as you, had 2 fitted at my gp was ok but felt pressure on my back side and tail bone, so went and had it changed smaller that one move down and only went for a little walk and cause me discomfort so had it removed, now waiting for hospital to get back to me🍰

Baker12 profile image
Baker12 in reply to RRmyhealth49

Sorry caught the wrong button came up with a slice of cake!!!! I have been told it takes a few attempts but I’m due back at work next tue after been off work due to this and really don’t know how I’m going to manage, I have no answer at the moment because I’m in the same situation as you, we havt to keep going x

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