I have had a problem with 'everything' coming south for a while!
A little background: I have had intermittent waves of pelvic pain (which come centrally to just below my navel) for 20+ years and have had investigations, scans, a D and C but nothing found except a large fibroid which should have shrunk by now but hasn't.
In 2009 I was told that I had a problem and required a cystocele operation, which I had. Unfortunately, two years later I felt a 'pop' and the operation failed.
I began pelvic floor exercises which I did religiously for several months but then only half-heartedly as I felt there was no improvement.
Two months ago I undertook urodynamic investigations which showed that I retain urine and was asked to self-catheterise twice a day, which I have been doing. I was also fitted with a ring pessary by a very competent nurse in hospital (my lovely GP had tried the year before but after trying eight or ten sizes/attempts, she gave up as they did not stay where they should).
Over the past two months I have had much pain - the old pain, centrally coming up etc., but also burning when weeing and was running to the loo. I assumed I had a UTI. In fact, I was given four lots of antibiotics (as my GP was unable to see me so there was no examination). I probably gave all the symptoms of a UTI to my GP during our telephone consultation, so not all her fault. The symptoms seemed like a UTI.
Up to date now: a week ago I saw that there was 'tissue' coming out on either side of the ring pessary and had a visit to the hospital nurse who confirmed that all my pelvic organs were prolapsing. It did look rather like a competition as to which bit would escape first... The nurse removed the ring pessary and told me to return next Monday when it would be necessary to see a doctor and she hinted of surgery, which I would rather not have.
I now have no pain, so it must have been the pessary that caused so much trouble. Is this usual? I understood that pessaries did not cause pain.
Would anyone know what my likely options are? Hysterectomy was suggested last year but I would rather not go down the surgical route. Is there anything else that I could think of having? Checking Dr. Google, I can only see the Gelhorn pessary which makes me nervous as if I had problems with the simple ring pessary........
If I have multi-organ prolapse, are they all going to continue their unrelenting march south? They are just inside at the moment but look like three pink balls squabbling over who will jump out first! Do they ever just stay put and not worsen?
I am in absolutely no pain now but would like to know options before I see the doctor on Monday. Any help or suggestions would be extremely welcome.
Many thanks in advance if you can suggest options, 'have been there, done that', or know anything about this problem.