Hello all. Can anyone with PN actually sleep? I would love to know how, what you take before bedtime to cover the pain. Diagnosed 4 months ago with PN following sports injury in SI joint. Thank you.
How do you get a good night sleep wit... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
How do you get a good night sleep with PN?

I have dreadful insomnia , I call it pain somnia. I have had fibromyalgia and widespread mayo fascia pain syndrome for twenty years and right sided pudendal neuralgia pain for eleven years.
No pain meds as my ibs is too bad and I react really badly to a lot
So I would like to know what it is like to sleep too!
EJ, that sounds almost impossible, so little sleep for so many years. Let’s see if someone has a good tip.
Oxycodon for the pain 10 mg slow working and low dose amitriptaline for the nerve pain ( origonally its a anti depressant ) themazapam for the sleep .
As a long term insomniac I feel for you. Since I started taking lyrica (300mg x2 day) for PN I am sleeping like a log. I have changed nothing else so I can only put it down to the lyrica. Its only helping a little with the PN but every cloud has a silver lining !
A combination of CBD and THC oil
olbas oil on pillow helped me
I have days where I am so exhausted with endless pain, it really affects my sleep pattern. I take 75mg amitryptiline and 100mg slow release tramadol at bedtime. Most times it does help but when pain is bad I feel like a walking zombie due to lack of sleep.
I hope you find a treatment that works for you might be a case of trying a combination of meds. Good luck and wish you well. 😊
I used to take valium for my pain approx. 10 months now I do indcia medical pot...also melatonin I hope this helps
I would love to know how to get sleep. I don't have any answers at the moment. Am trying CBD oil and Lane's Quiet Life tablets.
My GP has told me can't get muscle relaxant in UK! Valium etc not prescribed. Nor morphine based for when pain really bad which I have requested but denied.
I honestly think with nerve pain, that you need to get to source of pain to sleep.
Sorry not much help.
I only sleep five to six hours a night with using a 7.5 mg Zopiclone. The only thing that helps me sleep 8 hours is added THC oil.
Thank you K. Is there a limit to the length of time you can take Zopiclone? I used Stilnoct but it’s limited to a couple of weeks.
For pulling pain in thighs and buttocks I have found Biofreeze gel helps me relax and fall asleep.