My pt want to learn me how to sit straight. But i suffer from Vulvodynia AND PN doe 17 years.Everything time i try to do the exercise, my pelfic Pain get so Severe. I need a lot of morfine. Anyone experience " sitting" is good FOR PN ...... ?
My pt want to learn me howto sit ....... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
My pt want to learn me howto sit That a good idear FOR PN PATIËNT????

Not a good idea especially if the nerve is trapped ! does your PT know anything about the pudendal nerve ?
I have been diagnosed in England with PN. I was Treated By Maria elliott. She is amazing! Now i am back in the Netherlands. in my country, my PT knows a littlebit About the PUDENDAL nerve! But sitting makes me worried, iT feels wrong. She sais That i must go true the Pain!!!! But it's really gets to Severe!!! sitting AND walking is a big problem. I can stand FOR 5 min. Working on my alignment feels good.... But sitting straight on my but??!!!!
Maybe you need to find a different PT. I'm sure that there must be PTs with experience who can offer more help. Where are you in the Netherlands - Close to the German border?
In the middel of the Netherlands.
You must be near to Amsterdam. That's a long way from the German border. It seems that there is a pelvic pain clinic in Enkhuizen. I don't know where that is though!
Did the contacts Judy suggested to you not lead anywhere? What about Maria Elliott - does she know any PTs in your area?
Hi! I have pelvic pain almost 5 monts. Constant 24/7 and severe. I am not examined by any doctor or physio. I have diagnosis of Inferstitial cystitis. After delivery, symptomes free regarding bladder, but problems with pain in bottom pelvis started. Currently on neurontin for pain and ocasionally on tramadol. Planning to see Maria Elliott. I am not from England. I have booked 5 treatments with Maria and consultation with Dr. Baranowski. I am wondering what is your experiance with Maria, how many treatmants did you have, what is she doing on treatments, is that some manual infernal massage, biofeedback, how often are tou visiting her, do you have any improvements? Thank you for the reply!
I do not know What to do! Are there Any execises FOR "' how to learn sitting?!!!!
If YOU suffer from severe PN??? Please help me ....
Please try go googling pudendalhope .Lots of information on there plus a list of doctorx worldwide.They also have a forum so hopefully someone there will have more experience in this problem,good luck
yes, this makes some sense and there is one case /ssucess story off this
"I started thinking, oh great! I can't sit, I can't lie down anymore, what am I to do??? Stand up the rest of my life!! The more I thought about it, the madder I got! Two years of not sitting did nothing for my pn and now I have a new pain to contend with! I decided that evening I was going to start sitting. I thought what do I have to lose at that point?!? So after 2 years I started sitting, with a cushion of course, and guess what happened? I started to feel better. If fact when I started sitting I actually hurt less!!!
Today two and a half years later pn no longer rules my life."
quote taken from (you have to register to see the post)
There was also ANOTHER interesting post from someone who started doing the sitting
starting from 2 seconds today, 5 seconds the next day, 10 seconds, and so on until it reached a few hours. I can't find that one but it's in the success stories.
the idea is to re-train the body and desensitize the area (also used in CRPS)
however it should be done for a tryout and if it really makes things worse then to stop!
don't force yourself

So greatful! Thank YOU!
I'm trying so hard to sit straight with correct posture to help the painful back issues I have developed as a result of sitting only on one bum cheek with my leg crossed over for over two years now. Some days are easier than others, but it's not pleasant. I just end up standing more. Would like to know if it eventually works, but I doubt it!
thank YOU all so much. If Anyone have experience with sitting issues, PLEASE let us know on this forum. I think i Am not the only one. so we can help each other!
Sitting with PN is one of the most painful things I experience in my life! Its four years now with excruciating pain and I have tried and gone every where now and unable to get relief. I'm sure if your PT was aware of such pain, she would not be pushing you to make it worse! Its your body, and your pain level, do what you feel is best for you!!
Have you tried donut pillow with ice pack??? My only help!!!!
God Bless!
I do have a pilow! Thank YOU so much FOR Your feedback.