I am new here. I have been diagnosed with Pudendal Nerve Entrapment after a back surgery for stenosis that lasted 4 hours instead of one hour. I am currently renting a hospital bed but even with my knees raised and my head raised, I still have bad pain after standing up. How do you sleep at night? I cannot lie flat or on my side without terrible nerve pain. I just got home after ten days in the hospital where I got an overdose of steroids, but it took ten days for me to be able to even take a step. Now I am on Lyrica, Ibuprophen and Tylenol and I can walk around my house and around the block on a good day. I stand up almost all day and night and sleep very little. How do you sleep at night with PNE?
How do you sleep at night?: I am new... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
How do you sleep at night?

I think the best advice I've ever had is to see a Physiotherapist.
I do believe you are American,if so try reading up on a lady called Stephanie Prendergast. I think you may be able to google,I'm not sure.
But she has some really good advice on all this PNE/ PN.
talk to Dr. Dellon , the Dellon Institute. he does surgory for pne. i had it and it helped.
good luck
The only advise I have is to ask the doctor for something like a low dose of Ambien-generic. When you fall asleep does the pain wake you up? Have you tried certain teas that are suppose to help with sleep? What about a hot shower and meditation before sleep? Do you try and lie down with a guided meditation? You can find them online for free. Have you tried medical marijuana. It is legal in my state and, though I don't function well on it during the day-different strength, it usually relaxes my muscles and I go to sleep.
Same as you I stand most days. My pain is worse sitting and lying down.
I am a little confused. Are you saying the surgery for stenosis is what found the pudendal nerve entrapment? Do they know which branch of your pudendal nerve is being compressed?
It sounds like the rectal branch but it could be your inferior rectal nerve as well. Have you had any guided nerve blocks? They suggest three blocks one month apart and if that does not calm down the nerve(s) then surgery is recommended. Pills do NOT work for P.N.E.
Pre op I applied capsicum pain patches to my right buttock and anus. This went on for three and a half years. The patches absorbed leaking stool. As time progresses with no surgery, one becomes incontinent with stool. Are you? I avoided it for years by standing all day but eventually my knees wore out and I was lying down more or sitting in pain with pain patches on. ( they only work for 2 hours. )
I got the surgery too late but it made a big difference. My pain is now somewhat controlled with Nortriptyline, Hydroxizine HCl, legal THC oil, legal CBD oil and I would not sleep ever without a 7.5 mg Zopiclone sleeping pill.....P.N.E. woke me every night for three years. I urinated pain free BUT WHEN I WENT BACK TO LIE DOWN ON MY BED I WAS IN AGONY!!! It felt like someone was sticking a red hot poker up my anus and rectum! It HURT! It BURNED. It was TORTURE!
The surgery rid me of that......I suffered terrible life threatening uncontrolled nerve compression pain for 3.5 years. It was brutal. Doctors here were not believing me. They said I was intense because I had a personality’ disorder. NOT! A hairthin nerve was being compressed by overused juxtaposed ligaments. I am lucky to be alive. Good luck.
Who did your surgery? I got PNE After stenosis surgery. I am looking for the best surgeon in the US for PNE
Ask your doctor for sleeping pills. Good luck