Please could anyone recommend a doctor for pudendal nerve blocks in the U.K?
Thank you very much
Please could anyone recommend a doctor for pudendal nerve blocks in the U.K?
Thank you very much
It depends on where you live. Dr baranowski in London area, dr demello in Manchester. There’s one in Bristol area I think so maybe someone can help you out with that. It’s a niche thing so not many people available to do itall those names are NHS
Like the previous person said it depends where you live.
I’ve had nerve blocks done by Dr De Mellow ,in Manchester university hostpital. He’s very confident,very patient and also got a good sense of hummer which helps. I’ve recently stopped going because I live to far away,and travelling gets me down. But I would definitely recommend him.
Thanks so much for that. Please could I ask how many nerve blocks you have had with Dr DeMellow and how successful they were.
I don’t find they work for me. But I can’t see any harm in discussing your problem with him,he could have other answers to your problem.
As I say he’s very confident,and easy to talk to. All I can say is if that’s what you want a nerve block,and your not to far away from there,I would certainly recommend him.
Hi, I had my blocks done by dr demello too! I also live cfar away 3 hours . The blocks have been really beneficial to me. You have to try something to see if it works for you.
I had nerve blocks through the vagina from Dr Winston de Mello at Wythenshawe hospital pain clinic Manchester. He is very kind and understanding but the blocks didn't work for me. I had two sessions and really thought it was going to help, There was also a De Ganty at Liverpool Aintree hospital who could do the same. I now have four Tarlov cysts in the same area and think the injections could have been the cause of these. I would never have had them if I knew they might have caused my present problem,which can't be operated on by the NHS. I hope things work out for you---most people at Wythenshawe have travelled a long way and I think there is still a facility for staying overnight.