Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Help - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Help

foru2 profile image
11 Replies

Hi i'm a mid forties male who for a couple of years has suffered with chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The pain and discomfort centres around my lower back, pelvis, perineum, scrotum, bladder etc. I've seen a male pelvic physio specialist before who helped a bit but i'm wondering if anyone else out there has any ideas to help ease the pain/discomfort? I have a therawand I use for internal massage, I also do stretches, abdominal massage, I take a probiotic and am also on anti-depressants. I try to exercise regularly to and have a fairly physical job. I saw a chiropractor who didn't help, have been considering other things like IMS, Osteopathy etc, any help or ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

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11 Replies
kalecolbe12 profile image

I have had PFD for 10 months which it sounds like you have ( pelvic floor dysfunction) I have found that Flexeril helps which is a muscle relaxer I also got rectal Valium that helps... I'm going to try CBD /suppositories too.... It would benefit you to read headache in the pelvis which deals with all of these PFD symptoms in both men and women and even if you don't use their protocol it really helps to make your mind at ease knowing that it's going to take a year or two to get it more normal...also try a female pelvic pt sees a lot of men....I have been going 4-5 months once a week and I've definitely improved along with home stretches and breathing which are super important

foru2 profile image
foru2 in reply to kalecolbe12

Hi thanks for the reply. When you say pt you mean physiotherapy? What do you think to other treatments like osteopathy, acupuncture, IMS, chiropractors etc for treating this condition? I have read headache in the pelvis which was interesting if a bit long winded. I’ve had this over 2 years now and it’s still a struggle especially lower back and pubic bone pain which is there daily. I recently was told it may be something to do with the pudendal nerve?

kalecolbe12 profile image
kalecolbe12 in reply to foru2

I thought I had replied to you then I realized I didn't or I reply to someone else that was meant for you LOL... Anyway yeah I think osteopathy could help I was talking to a chiropractor at my pain doctors office and he said pelvic pain is very difficult to treat so he didn't think you could add anything at this point and my pelvic floor physical therapist PT does not want me to go to chiropractor yet because she's got a program she's working on with me as far as mobilization in my lower pelvis but maybe a chiropractor could help you..I don't know so can you tell me what IMS is??..I tried not to use meds but I feel like I have to use my muscle relaxer cyclobenzaprine which really helps and I am trying the nerve med gabapentin this week since I had a flare up of pain for some unknown reason... Are you on any medication at all to help calm the nerves and muscles down??

foru2 profile image
foru2 in reply to kalecolbe12

Hi sorry for the late reply, IMS is also known as dry needling I think, a bit like acupuncture but the needles go in deeper into the muscles. I’ve never tried it but heard it might work. I went to a chiropractor once but it never helped, I’m not on any nerve or muscle relaxer medication, do you think that’s a good idea then? I’ve been to the doctors a few times with this issue but they’ve only ever offered me antibiotics or naproxen anti inflammatory tablets. None of which seem to make any difference. Do you do lots of stretches too?

kalecolbe12 profile image
kalecolbe12 in reply to foru2

Well the muscle relaxer cyclobenzaprine has been a lifesaver for me it was first developed to be an antidepressant but failed as an antidepressant and used as a muscle relaxer but because antidepressants like amitriptyline help pain the muscle relaxer that I use does a double job makes me feel better mentally and cuts way down on the pain... So yes I do think you need either cyclobenzaprine,gabapentin which is a neuromodulatori,amitryptilineor cymbalta all of which are known to be great pain reducers because they interrupt the pain signals to the brain.... I am not a doctor but I know what I know now from having this and I'm learning what works and what doesn't....yes I do diaphramic breathing breathing and stretches daily because it's an important part of the therapy and also meditation to calm down your nervous system I don't know if I mentioned but the book headache in the pelvis is really helpful...the dry needling I've heard its help some people and not others this is just all a game of chance with these treatments but I do know the headache in the pelvis the protocol does work for me...

foru2 profile image
foru2 in reply to kalecolbe12

Yes I have read a headache in the pelvis and there are lots of good tips in there. In that book there is talk of doing stretches for over a hour in the morning and again in the evening which isn’t always practical for some people. I’ve not heard of those drugs to help with pain but I may well take a trip to the doctors soon to see if they think taking them would be a good idea. I’m still considering whether to go down the osteopathy route or acupuncture

Sturat profile image
Sturat in reply to kalecolbe12

Hi kalecolbe 12 and anyone considering Cymbalta for chronic pain. I took 60 mg. Daily for 6 months. Thankfully my rectal pain has all but gone. Now I have to deal with cessation from Cymbalta symptoms. Once my “levator ani “ symptoms were 99percent gone I told my doctor I wanted to cease taking it as it had totally ended my sex drive and ability. I am not trying to have children but I don’t want to be neutered. He said “ it is the drug.” He know these antidepressants are sex drive killers.? So do the lawyers suing the manufacturers for really inadequate warnings. Within a week 5 months of dysfunction ended. After a week of no Cymbalta I have whole body itching and other nasty withdrawal symptoms. I have quit smoking and alcohol with less aggravation. I would prefer being neutered to incessant pain. But be warned these drugs like Cymbalta are not without a price to

pay. I wish doctors had more time to advise and more knowledge to impart. The manufacturers are dismissive of problems caused by their products. To get information on some of these drugs you must research recovery from addiction sites. Pitiful. The profit motive is out of control with our lives as profit centers. Sorry for the negativity. I feel used. But in my experience most pains subside. They have for me.


kalecolbe12 profile image
kalecolbe12 in reply to Sturat

Agreed...I had my symptoms subside cyclobenzaprine and now gabapentin and I was weaning off them and then I have a car accident and Bam!!the pain came back so now back on them for a few months, but like you I'd rather be neutered than in that pain it's got to be the worst pain known to man except for perhaps psoriatic arthritis and fibromyalgia

Sturat profile image
Sturat in reply to kalecolbe12

Wow!! I haven’t had those two types of pain. In general I have had an almost pain free life. That makes it even harder for me to accept chronic pain, I have had very serious referred pain from low back disc herniations. That stuff can be all day everyday like pelvic pain can be. I find that some pain is acceptable as long as it isn’t so pervasive that my life is only pain. You are right that there are worse things than side effects from drugs or from ceasing to take them. Sounds like you are ok and this will just be another chapter in a story that will just get better. There really are worse things-lucky you survived the car crash. PS. I have found massage to be helpful in getting back a sense of well being. I do 90 minutes every week. Expensive but I can’t take it with me as they say. Regards to you and all of us. Stuart

foru2 profile image
foru2 in reply to kalecolbe12

I’ve been back to the doctors and been given Cymbalta to take for the next 4 weeks, it’s a 30mg a day dose, is this enough for pelvic pain? I’ve also started seeing an osteopath so hopefully these things will help as at the moment I’m willing to try anything. Standing still for more than 30 minutes makes my pain in my lower back, pelvis and pubic bone become agonising.

willemine profile image

I got ptns for overactive bladder but it was also a great help for my pelvic pain how was nerve related you can surch om ptns pelvic pain and you will find a trail were 60 % of people got better by the neurostimulation method .

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