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Chronic Pelvic Pain And Stress

fsmith9095 profile image
9 Replies

Good evening, everyone.

First time poster here. 51 Male, 5'10" 185 lbs.

I believe the issue I am having is similar to what many here are suffering from: Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

I suppose my experience is not extraordinary in any way ( Classic symptoms; Unexplained pain in pelvis, sexual dysfunction, pain after ejaculation, depression, anxiety,exhaustion, digestive issues, etc)

However, as time moves on, I'm growing increasingly confident that my particular issue is caused by stress. Perhaps this isn't news to anyone either as I've read quite a few studies that suggest CPPS can be triggered by stress.

But perhaps my experience can shed some light and help others facing a similar situation.

Originally, I injured myself at work where I herniated two discs ( L3-L4) I also heard something pop in my groin the same instant my back was injured. It felt like something detached deep in my groin.

The next morning, I awoke to feel as if my whole body was on fire-especially my fingers and toes. What is remarkable is that the pain on my right side mimicked what I call "hunger pain" where it feels as if, no matter how much I eat, there's an extreme pain as if I haven't eaten in a month. The pain radiates out from the right side just interior to my hip bone, down my right leg and up to the middle of my back. Often, both legs, to the knee are numb with little to no sensation. I also have developed the habit of grinding my teeth at night.

Waves of overwhelming despair and depression run from my right groin to my brain. Often, these feelings are accompanied by thoughts of suicide. It's becoming more and more difficult to combat the thoughts even with prescribed anti-depressants.

After years of being examined ( X-rays, MRI's etc) and dismissed by countless doctors, I was given a diagnosis by a neurologist: Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

At least I have a name to it now. I rushed home and read about CPPS and was amazed that the symptoms that I thought were uniquely my own, were textbook for CPPS.

I was prescribed Gapapentin, which does help to make the pain tolerable at times. But there's a very short "sweet spot" where I'm not in pain or hazy from the medication. I realize this can be tuned in by experimenting with the dosage and timing and I've been able to take it as necessary and still be able to function for a few hours a day. ( Oddly enough, I'm also finding that chai tea takes some of the edge off of the pain. Perhaps this is related to the recent study suggesting that caffeine reduces inflammation)

I'm also in the process of reading "A Headache in the Pelvis" by Drs Wise and Anderson.

I am also doing physical therapy ( pelvic floor trigger point stimulation) which hasn't yet helped. When it does help, the relief doesn't last very long. Having said that, I do use the TheraWand device on myself and have found that finding the particular area deep in my pelvic floor will alleviate the pain. Hot baths also provide some temporary comfort.

But here is where my story may or may not be different from other people dealing with CPPS: I had a life-changing serious (criminal) incident happen in 2010. To say it was life changing would be an understatement.

Ever since then, the pain has intensified and become more focused on my groin rather than a back pain issue. My whole pelvic region is tight and the hip flexor (psosas muscle) is rock solid on the right side.

These past few years, it feels as if there's a faucet dispensing acid throughout my bladders, reproductive organs, stomach etc. Maybe its just adrenaline (?) from the anxiety and stress leaking into my stomach? I don't know but that's what it feels like.

The bottom line is that I'm desperate for any suggestions other than what I've mentioned above. This has taken years and quality off of my life and I am stubbornly committed to the idea of beating this and returning back to normal health-both physically and mentally.

I know there's no magic bullet with something as complex as CPPS.

But I'm wondering out loud if counseling would help to get to the cause of the stress that is responsible for the pain.

Has anyone else had to seek psychiatric help to get to the root of what may be the root cause of this physiological mind/body cycle of pain?

Are there a mental health specialist that treats CPPS and pain related issues?

Are there any support groups in my area? ( Chicago suburbs)

Is yoga helpful? Meditation? Acupuncture?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



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fsmith9095 profile image
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9 Replies
chillijava profile image


welcome to our community,i am sorry you have had to come here but we will always help where we can.

i personally dont have experience with cpps as my condition is pne, but i would say always make sure you have good pain relief on board and also read up as much as you can about your condition, in my opinion you really have to try whatever is offered to you but always think before invasive procedures are given and the more you read up on your condition the more knowledge you get to be able to make the right decision for you. i am sure someone will reply who has more info for and good luck


pieper profile image

i too hade pn, allot of the same sympomts and stress definately intensified the pain. went to many many doctors and phycologists and even went the holistic route. The only thing that finally helped me was pudenal decompression surgery. There are several doctors that do this surgery, if you want more information, pm me. Best of luck

kalecolbe12 profile image

hi Frank I just came across your post recently even though it's two years old I was wondering what you ended up doing and if anything helped? I am about a year-and-a-half into this condition and I found a lot of things that help but I still have symptoms not as bad as they were a year-and-a-half ago though just wanted to exchange notes... Hope you get this and thanks

fsmith9095 profile image
fsmith9095 in reply to kalecolbe12

Glad you reached out. Well, to answer your question with a short answer; only one thing has actually helped so far. And that's gabapentin. It takes the edge off. I'm now up to 1600 mgs a day. I would say it takes most of the pain away but it feels as if the broken/dysfunctional part wants to snap back into that broken position. So the relief isn't long lasting.

Now the long answer-I've been to sixy visits over six years and the pain has actually gotten worse rather than better. These sixty visits included cortisone injections, TAP blocks, phsical therapy and various medication. None have worked for any longer than 24 hours.

fsmith9095 profile image
fsmith9095 in reply to kalecolbe12

I have changed hospitals and am scheduled for another pelvic MRI at the end of this month. I am currently using a TENS unit which seems to help somewhat, but only while it's on the body-meaning no long term relief once the unit is off, of course.

I feel the sensation that if a balloon or stent were inserted between the muscle/nerve/tendon, it would seperate the two body parts that are in conflict with each other causing the pain. But perhaps that's unique to my injury and wouldn't apply to everyone else.

kalecolbe12 profile image
kalecolbe12 in reply to fsmith9095

Strangely enough yes I understand what you're saying I feel the same way how about if something like a stent was put in there it would separate those the nerve from the muscle because they're irritating each other...I'm having mostly rectal irritation now but it used to be excruciating pain so I've come a long my PT thinks it's the inferior rectal nerve branch of the pudendal nerve that is irritated but she doesn't think it's entrapped however I will get an MRN(nerve MRI) from the neurologist soon just to confirm that so I know what we're working with....I had conflicting opinions about using a TENS unit because I have a metal implant in my hip.... I am doing a lot of nervous system desensitization which means I've taken as much stress out of my life as I can and I'm doing the curable app is meditation and positive reinforcements I've heard a lot of good about it... I also spoke to David McCoid about the DCT pelvic pain program so we will see where we all end up.please keep me updated ... Private message me if you want to and we can support each other since I have other people that we do that too... It does help... I'm also a certified mind-body coach anf life coach so I do understand that that mind body connection is a big part of it

fsmith9095 profile image
fsmith9095 in reply to kalecolbe12

Maybe we're on to something when using the analog that two parts of the body ( nerve, muscle) are in conflict with each other. It ertainly feels that way if you visualize the pain. The interior rectal nerve branch of the pudenal nerve also sounds like the same neighborhood as my own pain. ( I also suspect the vagus nerve is involved in my case, but I'm grasping for straws)

fsmith9095 profile image
fsmith9095 in reply to kalecolbe12

I wasn't aware there was such a device as a nerve MRI. And I haven't heard of the DCT pelvic pain program. I will have to ask the doctor about these at my next appt. Thank you. Certainly, reducing stress is always a good idea and more so with regards to pain. I hope you find a solution to your situation. Feel free to private message me as well and keep me updated when you can. Supporting each other is essential.

kalecolbe12 profile image
kalecolbe12 in reply to fsmith9095

To be honest the doctor probably won't know about the DCT program as it's a very controversial program it's called dynamic contraction technique and you would have to email David mccoid and just look up his website he's the only one doing it so it pops right up and he will definitely email you back... He created it because he was in the same position as we are for 20 years and he had to come up with something he figured it out with a physical therapist and it's working for so many people but he started it for men at first and now women are doing it I have also heard that the monster walk the way I have gabapentin that the pain doctor gave me but I was doing okay on my cyclobenzaprine muscle relaxer and now I've kind of come off most of that but if I get a flare-up I may try the gabapentim....I'm trying to do no meds at all and just trying to do the mindfulness but I find I do have to take a muscle relaxer twice a week and do ibuprofen a few times also I have a hemorrhoid cream that has lidocaine in it so that helps if I have pain after BM...also last thing my friend has a hempworx website so I'm going to try some CBD ..wasn't sure if you tried Botox either??

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