Hi Everyone! I was just wondering if anyone is doing home pelvic floor physical therapy with the therawand? If you are, could you please message me back I have a few questions. Thanks!
Therawand home therapy : Hi Everyone... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Therawand home therapy

Since the therawand is for stretching and releasing right tissue and muscle just be careful of over use
It is a supportive tool great for getting to internal spots letting it rest into those spots and then as it sinks deaper into the tissue you can stretch until you feel places that are more sore.
Tenderness and soreness can be a tell for finding the right spot
20min Max per day till you get used to how your body will feel when done
When applied it will add blood flow and therefore some swelling which is a good thing in moderation.
Don’t over do or the swelling will increase pain and make you not want to use the tool
Slow and steady wins the race!
Continue PT with a pro to learn the innuendos
Hi thank you so much for responding to my post. Very helpful and informative. I have a lot of problems with my coccygeus muscle and it is very deep. You seem to be very knowledgeable about this wand.. Do you think this muscle is to deep and should be left for the therapist to tackle or do you feel it is safe for anyone to treat at home? Also if you are familiar with this muscle and location is it best to tackle vaginally and or rectally? Any thoughts, I would be grateful!
Ok I had this problem and its all better now.
The wand can Def help adjust these muscles
Let them relax into the tissue without force it will go deeper into the soreness and the upper layers will get healed and should eventually get out of the way.
Have Patience and it should go away with the right assistance
Deep muscles are gotten to in many ways. Pain is solved with the confluence of sources or modalities all working together without allowing too much frustration. Breathing keeping busy and patience are the name of the game.
Yoga!, PT by an exceptional PT
Putting yourself in a hot tub regularly
Stretching before you get up and getting ready for bed should be all good things.
Help using the wand 2 times 20min every Other day to help adjust the muscles habitually and you should get there. Then there are exercises to maybe strengthen the muscles that should be doing the job for the muscle that’s in spasm. If the pT hasn’t mentioned exercises to strength ask for a plan to that end
Avoid the triggers of course and learn to put your brain elsewhere when nothing seems to be working. Tomorrow you pick it back up
Takes time to Re/educate the muscles so they strengthen properly.
12 weeks is about the plan for any muscle once you start strengthening the muscles that are supposed to do the job for the one in spasm is handling.
Make sure your pT is often and improving the condition and you should be on the right path to improve
Start a montra it is just a muscle that needs to be retrained
Good luck!
I highly suggest that you see a women’s/men’s health physical therapist first and get properly diagnosed. They will suggest the proper self-help exercises for your condition. Additionally, Heal Pelvic Pain by Amy Stein, DPT is a great resource for those suffering with pelvic pain. She also has an in-depth DVD called Heal Pelvic & Abdominal Pain; both are available from Amazon.
Hi-Thank you. I am in therapy already I just have a little hesitation as one of my muscles in spasm is very deep. Thank you for passing the book and DVD to me I will look into both and thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my post!
Here is a free resource by Amy Stein, PDT. beyondbasicspt.files.wordpr...
Hi thank you so much!!! I have not come across anything like this...So detailed and thorough. Really can’t thank you enough! Good health to you my friend!
Happy to pass the knowledge forward. I’m well 95+% of the year, thanks to many kind and helpful patient advocates and great healthcare providers. Here’s YouTube video on the pelvic floor youtu.be/oJz16vvsn6o.
Hi icrelief - I was wondering if you by chance know of any tutorials showing you how to get to specific muscles in the pelvic floor(EX. Puborectalis, coccygeus etc...) or any other additional educational resources specifying locations? If not, no worries but I thought of you because the Amy Stein PDT was so wonderful! Hope you are well- Take care.
I do home therapy with the Therawand every day, or almost every day.
Hi! Are you able to do the levator ani muscles with the wand through the vagina? Are you using it through the rectum to tackle the deeper pelvic muscles such as coccygeus? I am hesitant...it is a little intimidating as it is hard plastic and these muscles are so deep. I especially have the most problems right now with the coccygeus muscle and it is very deep. My therapist has unfortunately been the cause of some of my set backs and is encouraging me to move forward with this wand. I guess I am really unsure if this muscle is to deep. And if it should be left for the trained professionals. If you could share with me your thoughts I would be appreciative. Thanks so much for responding to my post!
Do it yourself and many people use it in the rectum to get to the right muscles. Men have to go through the rectum. You just go slow and easy with lotsa lube. When you feel a tight or tender spot, stop and hold that location for around 2 minutes while taking deep long breaths. The muscle pain should lessen or disappear. It takes use, day after day for things to get better.
I am able to get to the muscles that bother me, from my vagina. But I have heard men use it in their rectum to get to the deep muscles.
You have to practice relaxing the pelvic floor muscles before even starting otherwise it’s very difficult to make progress. Deep breaths and focus on relaxing the muscles. It hurts less when you relax the muscles before starting.
I guess you could start doing this for a shorter length of time, but I have some many sore spots that I have down sessions that are an hour. Length of time does not matter so don’t stress about that. Just if you notice that you are starting to get more pain after applying pressure to several areas, then stop and be done for the day. Your body tells you when it needs a rest.
Of course make sure you wash the wand by hand after every use!
Hi- Thanks so much for responding to my post. Are you able to reach all the levator ani muscles esp. coccygeus muscle through the vagina?
Personally I am able to. If muscles are really tight superficially, then it will be more difficult to get to the “deeper” muscles and fascia. Over time you will get there though. Just did my therapy tonight and definitely got to some deep, low butt muscles. Which I’m sure are the coccygeal that you’re referring to. But for sure anyone can release the levator Ani—you’re just pushing down and toward the back, both sides, to get to it. Once those muscles are released or you move around a bit, you’ll feel the tightness of the muscles/ligaments around the coccyx as well as the feeling of pushing on buttocks muscles (gluteus Maximus). It is a nice feeling once you’re able to release those tight muscles. Like getting a non-sexual massage... the muscles don’t want to be tight, so it’s a very relieving feeling once the “knots” are released.
Anyone on here who uses the therawand should only be using it as their pelvic floor physical therapist instructs. Twice a day for 20 minutes is too much at least for me. I would be doing more harm than good in my case.
My physical therapist told me 10 minutes once a day that's 5 minutes on the left side 5 minutes on the right side.
Also as I stated before my therawand is for vaginal use only. I would never use a therawand rectally unless I had bowel problems, and I had a wand that was made for rectal use, and was instructed to do so by my pelvic floor therapist.
Also of course men would have to use a therawand rectally because they don't have a vagina.
My therawand is for vaginal use only. Because the wand is curved like an " S ", it could not be used by my therapist. It is made for self use.
When I first went through pelvic floor therapy in 2016, if I did not use the therawand daily my symptoms came back.
Now I can go a day or two without using the therawand and am symptom-free.
I am unsure exactly what all of the muscles I'm reaching with the wand, but it has helped me greatly.
There is a wand now that one side is curved and the other side is straight. Made to be used vaginally and/or rectally
My wand cannot be used rectally. My pelvic floor therapist gave me a picture and a name of a website on where to buy 4 years ago. She put an " X " over the picture of the Therawand that was thinner in diameter, saying : "Don't buy the thinner one. The thinner wand is for rectal use."
I cannot imagine using my wand rectally, the diameter is too wide, which I think would do more harm than good. Also, I only use the rounded end of my wand. I don't know why the other end of the wand has a tapered point....
Serenity TMT – Pelvic Floor Massage and Trigger Point Tool-Vaginal
Info on wand for rectal use: The Serenity-TMT-R has a smaller diameter than the Serenity-TMT-V at a 1/2″ diameter which makes it easier for rectal insertion but could be easily used for vaginal insertion for patients with a smaller vaginal vault.
That wand is completely different than the one I have. Mine is able to be used vaginally and rectally, depending on which end you use.
Also, my pelvic floor therapist said maximum 10 minutes per day I do 5 minutes on the left side 5 minutes on the right no more than once a day