I've recently been told I have a cystocele prolapse, I'm 60 years old, my gp isn't going to do anything about it at present as it's not too severe, she did say if it gets worse, they can push it back with pessary ring, has anyone had this done? How long have people lived with this before having treatment?
Cystocele prolapse : I've recently been... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Cystocele prolapse

I went about a year and a half with a peasant, then opted for the surgery. A uteral sacral ligament suspension. It was a vaginal prolapse. Did pretty good for 3 years and then had surgery for s cystecel. I went a couple weeks and had an anterior repair.
I've had a cystocele for years, only treatment I've had is Vagifem hrt which helped enormously, other thing I did was start Pilates classes with a prolapse specialist and that really helped strengthen everything up.
Thanks for replying, what is vagifem hrt? Where did you find a Pilates class that specialised in prolapse?
Vagifem is a topical estrogen which helps strengthen and condition the tissues.
As for Pilates it was a new studio opened near to me and the instructor had physio experience and a special interest in prolapses, it's important to avoid exercises that might make things worse so you need an experienced instructor. It may not be right for you, depends how bad your prolapse is but I found it very helpful.
Was it your gp that prescribed Vagifem? Thanks so much for your advice, it helps me
Hi I have a grade 2 cystocele noticed it last August. I have mentally struggled with it -it’s holding at this level however I have changed my lifestyle a lot.i don’t do any lifting went to physio for a while. Also on oestrogen cream not sure if this is helping. I don’t want a pessary. May opt for surgery in October I am 69 yrs of age
Hope this helps as I felt really alone and frightened when I noticed the prolapse. My gp wasn’t helpful at all. Regards
Thanks so much for replying, I was shocked when I first noticed but knew what it was as an aunt also had a prolapse. I don’t know too much but know it can get worse, my gp said just to see how it goes and get back in touch with her if/when it gets worse, I know it’s something that happens because of childbirth/menopause
I feel for you. It's really scary and I had very little help from my GP. She did send me for specialist physio but (because of cutbacks I think) only went twice then was signed off to carry on exercises by myself. The GP didn't even tell me what had prolapsed or by how much. I asked the physio and the referral said cervical prolapse. The physio couldn't tell me because she is only allowed to investigate how strong your "squeeze" is!
I don't fancy a pessary and by research on the Internet I have been using sea sponges to keep everything in place. It just reassures me that things won't drop any further while I continue the exercises. It's been nearly a year now and it hasn't got any worse.
Yes very scary, sea sponges, these were helpful to you? So you keep them in place while exercising? My prolapse is early days and hasn’t protruded out, but really don’t know too much, what to do expect?
Yes the sponges are working for me. I use one for most of the day and find it very reassuring. My prolapse isn't too bad - definitely not protruding and I intend to keep it that way! The sponge works in the same way as a pessary by pushing things up a bit but are much softer and can be trimmed to fit. I'm also doing the pelvic floor exercises twice a day and avoiding lifting and lying down for a bit if I feel I've overdone things. Message me if you need more info.
Where did you hear about the sponges? Where do you get them? Would you be afraid that they’d go in too far and you wouldn’t be able to get sponge out? Sorry for all the questions
Hi. I'll reply later - about to go out for the day. There's quite a lot to say but I've worked out how to do it ...
You can get sponges as menstrual tampons or specially for prolapse. The prolapse ones look far too big to me. Mine are only about 5cm in all directions but the main advantage is that no matter what size you buy they can be trimmed to size. You can get them with or without strings attached (like a tampon). Here is a link to some with string already attached.
I have bought natural silk fina sponges and attached dental floss using a darning needle. You can replace the "string" when it looks a bit past it. If you do it this way (much cheaper so you an have lots of them) soak the sponge and feel them all over to make very sure the sponges are free from any little bits of grit from the ocean!!
The same website also tells you how to look after the sponges.
Every evening I clean that day's sponge with unscented soap and then every 4 days use baking soda to soak the last 4 sponges whilst getting washed and dressed then rinse and squeeze them out and hang them in a mesh laundry bag to air dry. You soon get into a routine for cleaning them angd it only takes a few minutes.
When using a sponge I put a little bit of coconut oil on it and also a little around the entrance of the vagina to help get the sponge in. It's a bit strange to start with but you get to know the angle and where it needs to sit. My first try was a disaster and it felt really scratchy but I tried again a few weeks later and took a bit more care and it was fine. Some days it's so comfortable I forget it's there and some days the sponge slips a bit and feels uncomfortable - maybe the sponge is too small or too big or maybe it's not in right. Whatever, it gives me confidence that my insides can't escape and gives me time to work on the exercises that might work long term.
Thanks so much for all the information, you have been so helpful, I’ll definitely try the sponges and I’ll let you know how I get on
You're welcome. It's less than a year since I discovered mine and it was a few weeks before I went on holiday. I was terrified it would all fall out while I was away so I did quite a lot of relaxing by the pool! There is life after prolapse but you have to pay attention to it and deal with it. It can't be ignored. Good luck.
Hi, can you tell me more about the sponges, I have bought some but not used them yet, do I need to wash before use? Do I need to remove each time i pass urine? Thanks
Yes, wash them using unperfumed soap and rinse well. You also need to wet and squeeze out before use to make them soft and squishy! You don't have to remove when you pee although the string will get a bit wet! When I first used them I removed the sponge around lunchtime, cleaned it and put it back but now I just leave it in place for most of the day. I put in in after bathing in the morning so I know the surrounding area is clean and remove it mid evening but sometimes forget until it's bed time. After use wash with soap and disinfect. I wait until I have 4 sponges then use 1 heaped teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to a mug of warm water, stir and leave the sponges in the solution for about half an hour or longer. Remove and rinse well, then air dry.
Hi mary6549, unfortunately prolapses can get worse from my own experience if left untreated, gps don't seem to care about anything these days. you get 10mins for an appointment and that's it. unfortunately I had surgery on mine bladder and rectum with the dreaded mesh but 1 year latter finally got it out but will always be a chronic pain sufferer. I am 55yrs old and had this problem of prolapsing back in 2012. hell for a year until I went to miss el neil in London top surgeon then and now on the nhs .got it out in 2013, but still have chronic pain for life.
I found a bladder prolapse and small rectocele over a year ago and through pelvic floor physio daily I can no longer see or feel my prolapse I'm 62 and was devastated when I found it
So by doing pelvic floor exercises daily you can reverse the prolapse, yes it is very devastating when you first feel the prolapse
It has absolutely helped me but it takes time there is no quick fix through physio but it's definately worth the work ...I do my kegels routine twice a day at the very least once a day and it is working for me
Can I ask how long it has taken for the exercises to work? How many squeezes do you do each time? I only had two physio appointments and was then left to my own devices and told to keep up the exercises and add in a few more as I went on. I do mine twice a day too and it's been about eight months but I'm not aware of any improvement. At least it hasn't got worse.
I felt a bulge in my vagina 18 months ago and thought it was. Among prolapse, turned out to be bladder which I'd never heard of. After my lovely young lady GP trying to fit a variety of pesarries, she referred me to the specialist nurse at the hospital. She was very experienced and helpful. She did suggest surgery as it was stage 2 but I was very keen to try anything but. I've had a variety of sizes fitted over this time. I would recommend it but keep going back to find the right size for you. She also told me about the nhs app squeezey which reminds and helps you to do good pelvic floor exercises - really important every day! I was also prescribed the topical estrogen. All of these things have really helped, especially the exercises , but results take months to notice, so don't give up. I think you do have to learn to live with it, some days are much easier than others, but I'm much improved 18 months on.
If you're going to lift anything.or think you're going to cough, pull your pelvic floor in before you do it ! I also do over 60s yoga and that has helped enormously. It's quite easy to feel what might be unhelpful, I leave those out and have benefitted . It helps your head as well as flexibility. Did try Pilates but found it was too much standing for me.
It is horrible but keep positive and listen to your body all the time, you can improve your situation. I'm 70. Good luck
Thanks for replying and your advice, mine is early stage, only felt in end of April, I’ve been doctors and she said to leave it for now as it isn’t really bothering me, but it will get worse then go back and she’ll try pushing it back with a pessary ring
I joined a yoga group Eulalie, but I felt it was making it worse. What type of yoga do you do.
Hi, so sorry not to reply before, have been away without wi fi. I do a version of ashtanga yoga but not the energetic one! There's a lot of concentration on breathing and meditation done with gentle flowing movements. It is specifically for over 60s and two members are over 80. Our teacher, although only in her 40s herself, is very sensitive to our needs and always says don't do anything that causes you more than a stretching feeling. We do quite a lot on our backs which helps the prolapse to fall back - laying close to a wall with legs up against it is a favourite of mine and something I try and do every day, it's good for blood pressure too. Breathe deeply and in a slow controlled way. Do hope you find a good teacher as its helped me in so many ways. The mindfulness of it has also helped me to come to terms with my ageing body without giving in and feeling helpless.
Stay strong. Love your name by the way, I always had rescue lurchers until my recent mutt who is a smaller mixture !
I’ll do that thanks, what’s squeezey on my phone?