Hi, I'm new to this i went to doctors with thrush 2 weeks ago didnt really seem to clear up so went for swabs yesterday for the nurse to bring the doctor in and tell me ive got a slight prolapse and there's nothing to worry about she said but nothing else im not sure now what the next steps are very worried
Prolapse : Hi, I'm new to this i went... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

Did she say what has prolapsed ? If you weren't even aware of it and it's only slightly gone then you can do a lot to help, I found Pilates with a pelvic floor specialist instructor made a huge difference but be sure they know what they are doing because some movements aren't advised ! Depending on your age topical oestrogen will also help tighten everything up.
No need to panic many of us have lived with prolapses of varying degrees for absolutely yonks.
Vagina prolapse, she said she said there's nothing to be concerned about its only slightly . Will definitely have a look into pilates. I'm 37 years old. Thankyou for putting my mind at ease.
Vaginal prolapse is just a general term which covers all causes, it will be bladder, bowel, uterus or combination of those that has dropped down. You are young enough to at least halt the progression and possibly reverse it, pelvic floor exercises are the way forward !
HiI went to the doctors 6 weeks ago and was told my bladder had prolapsed, she recommended buying a machine, I looked online and after reading closely about them, I bought a machine called Kegel8 definitely have improvement since using it every night
Good luck
You would be amazed at the large number of people who have some kind of prolapse. It's not talked about as much as it should be. Lots of good prolapse Pilates exercises online. You might find that your prolapse will remain 'slight' and never cause you concern.
Try the Squeezy app by NHS, recommended by one person in the group. It records and times your pelvic floor exercises.
Kegel8 is the way to go at your age, easy to use
Hi , did they say the prolapse was causing the thrush ? How you feeling x