Am 5 weeks in after my op still sore but feeling a bit better tampon feeling still there managing to do my pelvic floor exercises fine. Am a bit freaked out though well really freaked out today is the first day I have been able to open my legs and have a look so wish I never looked !! Why I'm I sewed up with a bit of skin like hanging down ? Like how am I ment to have sex or even put a tampon in after am healed if its sewed closed I never asked for this why have they done this to me or does it dissolve or something can someone please tell me am not going mad ?? I feel like balling my eyes out
Prolapse surgery : Am 5 weeks in after... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Prolapse surgery

I wouldn't have thought they would sew you up. Why don't you have a word with your gp and see what they say. Are you due for a checkup at the hospital? If not they must have given a contact number. Phone and have a word. Let us know how you get on.
I have called they have Me in for Sunday at 11 and they definitely have sewed me up and I don't know why am only 30 ! And I have been in a relationship for nearly 10 years and sexually active so I dont know why they have done this to me I have been trying for days to look this up and I have found a type of operation called colpocleisis and it can't be undone !! But this wasn't the type of operation I was ment to get x
Gosh. That is bad if that's what they have done. Where did you have the op? Please let us know how you get on. I wish you well.
I will do and thanks for your support I got it done in Monklands hospital I live in Scotland
Don't panic. Go there and be very calm and very clear. Your mission is to find out precisely what surgery you had, why, and what you should be expecting. It may not be what you fear. At your age, I can't think why they would perform colpocleisis.
Before any surgery, medics are required to check that the person being operated on understands precisely what they are agreeing to (because you sign to give them permission), what the risks are, and what you should expect afterwards in terms of effect and recovery period. Maybe have a careful think about what you were actually told. Your GP should also have some information about the surgery you were having.
I think it's a good idea to take a female friend with you, or a female member of your family if you can. But absolutely not to panic. Calm and clear. Be strong.
Yeah I done all that I know what I was told and I know what I signed I got told risks of like hitting bladder which happened they nicked it not a big issue they told me could hit bowels could end up with bowels removed could end up way hysterectomy ect ect got told there is a huge change of sex been painful after operation for rest of my life I took the risk but not ever did they say they would close me up if they told me that it would be something I wouldn't forget and I wouldn't of got the operation the surgeon new i was in a long relationship and very sexual active I looked with mirror I can see a bit of skin hanging down that wasn't there before at my opening of vagina that looks like things are sewed shut I can not for the life of me see any opening they must be a we bit because I had cavertor in but if it is so small I can't see and am still not ready to feel about yet I have just managed to open my legs and if it is so small a finger won't even be able to fit in never mind anything else my head is total wasted I know relationships isn't just about sex but I don't want this to ruing my relationship
As HashtagNell says try to keep calm. I can imagine how your feeling. I had a prolapse repair about 2 years ago and after a couple of weeks I thought they left a swab in me as a cord was handing outside vagina. The hospital had a look and said it was sutures and they would come out like a cord. I panicked until they told me what it was. Good luck and let us know Sunday xx
I think you are panicking, and your panic will get in the way. So do your breathing thing to keep calm. You will be all swollen up after the surgery, and probably you shouldn't have looked right now. All your tissues will be out of shape. But not forever! And you're doing the right thing in going to see them to talk it through. Be brave. You're not done with sex yet, or with being a happy, healthy woman. x
I am now 8 weeks post op went for check up yesterday and was signed off consultant said all was fine no problem but I still feel some something no idea what it is I am hopeful it will go away with pelvic floor exercises it’ he also said to go back to normal life but don’t pick up anything heavy
I hope you feel OK soon and am happy for you that your signed of and everything Is well. How much weight are you allowed to carry did he say ? And I have that feeling you have to but I also can see a bit of skin hanging down and cant see any opening of my vagina so I won't be able to be sexual active
Hi to answer your question he just said try not to put any weight on he said ask me if I was sexually active and said fine to continue if I am he also did look up there with a small instrument and then with his fingers so all ok just to add for your information from 2 days after the op I had a green/ yellow discharge to which he took swabs and gave me 2 lots of antibiotics still got a little now but no infection Hope you get your problems sorted out it’s such a worry for you please keep us posted
Hi everyone thankyou so much for all your support means so much 💗 I went to hospital today surgeon said that I have to make sure I don't lift anything heavy again. Said my stitches on the outside have dissolved said in the inside will take 6 months he said the bit of skin I might need to go back to my doctor to get referred for plastic surgery I said about the opening and said why am I all stitched up he said you aren't I said well I can't see an opening he said well that's a really good thing so he examined me he put his finger in with some gel was really painful then put a small tube In to so he could have a look he said everything looks like it's healing well but honestly I felt like crying when he was examing me it was so painful I couldn't imagine sex if I couldn't handle the pain of a finger.
Hi natzmm. How did you get on yesterday?