Anyone here have vaginal atrophy and any answers how to deal with it. I am using vagifem. Not doing anything. Had bowel resection earlier this year because of diverticulitis, and to be honest, im over the bowel surgery but the atrophy is making my life a misery. I think this is really only being recognised nowadays, as women never used to talk about it. Anyone had any success with treatment, natural remedies etc? I'm desperate.
Vaginal atrophy. : Anyone here have... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Vaginal atrophy.

Hi there, I also have vaginal atrophy and really feel for you. It can be so painful and uncomfortable! I was put on a course of Vagifem and it really worked wonders. I used it everyday for the first two weeks and then dropped down to three a week and now one. I also use a vaginal moisturiser daily to help with the dryness. Hope it gets better for you xxx
Thank you for ylur response. I have used vagifem before and found it wonderful. Its not working now. I might start the reload again i think. I've just started a good moisturiser too.
I've used Vagifem for many years and it worked well but recently I'm getting really bad flare ups, my GP said when it happens to go back to using it every day for 2-3 weeks. Last bad flare it did take a couple of weeks to get it under control but I'm finding I still need it more often. I also use Replens every day or so but nothing seems to be controlling it as well as before. I get so desperate I would happily have all those lady bits removed 😕
So would I! Its so unpleasant to say the least, and theres no real answers to fix it. I've had major bowel surgery this year, as i said in my original post, and I'm all fine from that. Now this to put up with. I honestly think its worse.
I've had this for at least 10 years and I can't believe there's still no "cure" and really not even much help with treatments. I get really bad pelvic and back pain with it which just adds to the joy !!
I've pretty much exhausted the options as I react badly to many of the topical meds. I'm off to see my GP yet again in a few weeks but I already know she can't do anything more.
I hope you get over this flare soon, I truly know just how awful it is.
Some say that raw honey works; I haven't tried it, myself. Some recommend coconut oil, but as it solidifies at room temperature you have to melt it first except in hot weather. I was prescribed Ovestin; it's a cream with applicator. I haven't used it long enough to say it works, but you could ask for it.
Is it the same as vagifem? If not, i might ask for it to see if it works. I've tried cocinut oil etc. They just soothe a bit. No lasting benefits.
I don't know about the ingredients, but I was prescribed Ovestin as an alternative to Vagifem so they are both used for vaginal atrophy. The difference is Ovestin is a cream and Vagifem is a tablet. My body expels the tablets so that's why I was prescribed this instead.
There are a few different ways of getting the localised oestrogen. Some women need to use vagifem every day plus a topical cream. Be careful about which moisturisers you use. Some contain ingredients that cause more problems than they solve. Check the ingredients for things like parabens and glycerol which are not great for vaginal health. If you google plant based moisturisers/lubricants you should come a company called YES. Their products are excellent. Can thoroughly recommend. Also, google a woman called Jane Lewis. She has written a book called Me and My Menopausal Vagina which is excellent and recommended by gynaecologists and menopause doctors. Also, see if you can find an article by Panay and Edwards on the subject. Osmorality and pH are discussed. There was another useful article in Good Housekeeping magazine this month.
Ps, Yes vaginal moisturiser and water based lubricants are available on prescription but not all CCGs allow GPs to prescribe it. 👎🏻 Hope you get some relief soon.
Thanks for that info RachaelE. Interestingly, I bought a vaginal moisturiser and it just made burning worse, so I learned the hard way. I'm using the vagifem every night again,have a little relief. I will read that book for sure and the articles too. Are the Yes products available in Australia I wonder? I would love to try the moisturiser. The burning drives me crazy. It is the thing that is the worst for me. It sounds silly, but I can't take my mind off of the discomfort, when I have it. It's truly awful. Then I get anxiety and think something awful is going on. It's a miserable condition. Thanks again for your reply.
I believe they are available down under (excuse the pun!), or at least they are in the US. You can certainly get them on Amazon here in the U.K. I use their products and swear by them. Absolutely saved my life. All plant based and organic. Here is their website
Alternatively, Jane Lewis suggests a natural moisturiser which I think is Australian. I’ll look it up when I get home later and let you know. X
Thanks so much. I would really appreciate that. The "down under" comment made me lol 😊
Jane Lewis recommends Olive and Bee Intimate Cream. It was developed by an Australian women's health physiotherapist and contains just olive oil and beeswax. Completely natural, she finds it has no unpleasant side effects. She uses it twice a day on the vestibule area, episiotomy scar (which had been splitting due to VA) and labia. Hope you find something suitable soon x
I have had breast cancer treatment so can’t have much oestrogen, but I’m allowed vagifem 2x weekly (with a 1 month break after every 3 months). I also use Yes vaginal moisturiser- at least daily. I’ve found some relief from the using a ‘Supportiback’ shaped donut cushion for sitting on. I was hoping to find more tips here - so important we share advice. Has anyone used lidocaine for local pain relief? I found a reference to that somewhere, I would be interested to hear.
I'm on Vagifem and Ovestin and it's worked for me. My GP practice was pretty useless and I was told I had a prolapse which turned out not to be the case. I could only get an NHS appointment in 3 months time (and I had to ask the GP to refer me), so I saw a private gynaecologist who diagnosed vaginal atrophy and reported to the GP that I needed to be on Vagifem and Ovestin for the rest of my life. I started Vagifem once every day for 2 weeks, and then twice a week and Ovestin twice a week. I feel so much better now. I suggest you don't buy over the counter creams. I'm not well off but the £200 was well worth it to see a top private gynaecologist. He also told me, as I've never had children, that it was extremely rare for a woman to get vaginal atrophy without having had children. Atrophy is a nasty condition and it made me feel terrible - I lost so much sleep as well. I hope you soon get better.

Thank you Peril. Yes the over the counter stuff is expensive and does not work. Its a miserable condition. The vagifem used to work for me , but not so good now for some reason.
Try using Ovestin in tandem with Vagifem, and if you possibly can, push to see a gynaecology/urology consultant. The one I saw said GPs aren't highly trained in gynaecology. They are generalists, hence General Practitioner title, and only have 6 months training in gynaecology. Good luck.