Levator Ani spasms: I had a sigmoid... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Levator Ani spasms

Onegirl1 profile image
9 Replies

I had a sigmoid colectomy in March of 2011 and exactly one week to the day I came home from the hospita,l I started having severe rectal pressure, as if to have a bowel movement. For the following year, my colorectal doctor tried all kinds of medicines and therapies and said in his 20 years of practice, he had never heard of this. He finally tried a suppository called Belladonna & Opium, which actually relieved the pain and pressure completely. I have been on this ever since but cannot find it anywhere and have even tried Canada and out of the country in other areas. The doctor that did my surgery and has had me on this medicine for the last 8 years, suddenly retired and turned me over to a new young doctor, who is refusing to use this medicine, despite the fact I can't even find it. After spending over $50,000 for surgery, medicines, therapy and everything else you can think of, he wants me to do everything over because he is the new doctor and says that there are new technologies that may help. I have seen him for 6 months now with no avail. I am 45 years old and now have to wear adult diapers because of this issue. Upon his first examination, he said the levator ani muscle was not releasing, which has caused all these issues and I told him that I did not need to pay him for telling me this because I'm the one who's lived with it and done the research and know exactly what's going on. After much prayer and crying I found that drinking a minimum of 86 oz of water a day, (YES, MINIMUM) completely eliminated the need for medicine, for this issue. While I try my best to continue drinking water, I am a school bus driver and have to constantly use the restroom from all the water intake, so while this may help, it does cause other issues. I don't know if anyone else has similar issues but mine does not consist of extreme pain but rather pressure like I've never fully relieved my bowels. I too, have to manually extract as well because when the muscle is so extremely tight, the stool comes out like straws and never completely empties itself. I suffer with IBS due to this issue and extreme bloating and pain from gas. I have read most of these comments and feel there might be hope but at this point, I have discussed a colectomy bag with my doctor, in trying to eliminate the use of this muscle because it's something that I literally cannot live with anymore.

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Onegirl1 profile image
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9 Replies
rugby13 profile image

I have levator syndrome i know exactly what you are going through , i have had a sacral nerve implant to try and help not perfect but it is an improvement still have bad days though its made by a company called Medtronic

Konagirl60 profile image

Guess what? Same thing happened to me after that procedure.

A metal clip from my tubal ligation had fallen off and migrated to my rectum. It was irritating tissue. My only symptom was spasms now and then. My G.P. thought it was tenesmus. I never had any bowel or digestive issue. My G.P. suggested the colonoscopy.

The G.I. doctor who did the colonoscopy said I had levator ani muscle spasms. NOT! I think the rectal clip caused my right inferior rectal nerve to stretch and cause it to adhere to ligaments that were overused. Eventually I could not sit at all. ( ten months after the colonoscopy ).

Have you tried to relive the contipation with a good oil like Udo’s Omega 3 6 9 oil? All that water intake will hydrate you BUT our brain is mostly fat and you need to feed it good fats. Do you fry and sauté in olive oil? Are you able to eat a healthy balanced diet? ( lost of fruit and vegetables ). I have also found that drinking Kefir helps the gut microbiome.

Are you losing stool or urine? It depends on which branch of the pudendal nerve is being pinched that causes urine or stool loss. Do you understand?

Can you sit? I couldn’t. The rectal branch of my pudendal nerve had tethered to ligaments and it needed to be released via decompression surgery. I am wondering if you need guided nerve blocks and surgery. Your case sounds painful. Keep in touch.

rugby13 profile image

Forgot to mention i use the Braun bowel irrigation system to relieve the pressure

3134 profile image

I also have terrible rectal pain. If i don’t keep my bowels quite loose, I have pressure which causes extreme pain! I take two and a half times the normal dose of Miralax a day which does help lessen the pain. In addition to the Pudendal Neuralgia, I have prolapses and also several back issues. I am scheduled to have my prolapses repaired next week. I see my surgeon (Urogyno) tomorrow and will find out if she is also going to include my recticele. Has anyone had recticele repair with good results? I also have Interstitial Cystitis. What a fun life we lead!! NOT!!! I’m also interested in knowing how people with all of these diagnoses find a way to keep going! I do have a very strong faith which I depend on every day!!! I think Pudendal Neuralgia and all that goes with it totally control the lives of those who have it! I pray that there is more great treatment found very soon!!

Indigo1 profile image

I have elevator and spasms caused by a pelvic injury in a car accident.That in turn caused to go have pelvic floor dysfunction which caused a condition called type 4 dysenergia,a disorder of the sphincter muscle where you have pain and pressure on the rectum.I was misdiagnosed for nearly a year.There is a test i had called an anal manometry that test told it all.I am disabled now..please ask to have an anal manometry.no surgery please! No colostomy bag!it's about money don't let that doctor do that to you!

Konagirl60 profile image
Konagirl60 in reply to Indigo1

The way you describe dysenergia makes me wonder if I have that to?

I had a metal clip abrading and damaging the outer portion of my rectum. That clip was removed after nine years of terrible internal pelvic pain and flares. I keep thinking the rectal tissue the clip damaged is causing my pain sensations and tugging feeling on my rectum. Nine years of irritation IS a long time.

When I have a bowel movement, my anus and rectum no longer fully close at the end. There is always some stool on the side of the toilet bowl that doesn’t flush down with the rest. I keep thinking another piece of metal may have embedded in my anus or rectum or is somewhere between the top of my vagina and my rectum? There may be some kind of distortion structurally as to why my anus will not completely shut after a movement.

I think anal mamometry is my next step. Does a colo rectal specialist order or do this? Thank you so much.

McGraw profile image

I have been suffering with this torment well over twenty years. Do u have pain after an orgasm next day. I have pain most day but all my symptoms are worse after sex. It seems the better orgasm!! I have. just had a colonoscopy only said that my bowel was inflamed. The drs don't know just say things like do need to have an organism!!! I have pain killers & 300, pregabalin a day which only makes me really tired doesn't help my pain at all. I don't have a sex life anymore. I was happily married for 33, then my first husband died of pancreas cancer.l still had all the pain but did not know what was causing it. When l was not in a sexual relationship l was free of pain & discomfort pressure in my rectum. After three months of being married all my pain came back 😫

I have only been married 7, yrs so as you can imagine it's not doing much for my marriage! Yes the only thing that keeps me going is my faith in God. Keep smiling God bless Carol xx😀

JODDY47 profile image
JODDY47 in reply to McGraw

I have had Levator spasms for 23 years. I have seen many doctors and took a boat load of medication. The doctors or medications have not helped me.Hope you find some relief. God Bless

McGraw profile image

So sorry for your pain, it's a nightmare what we have to go through. When you are So looking forward to the next thing to put an end to this chronic pelvic pain & a pain in the bum. I am back to square one now just like l was twenty years ago l just keep going round round. 😫God bless Carol XX

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