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I really need some help here.

24 Replies

I have been taking a probiotic called Optibac now for over 4months. After the first 3months of taking them,I decided not to bother with anymore,well I had tremendous stomach pain,and felt really unwell. Not that I felt any the better for taking them.

I was told on here,that stopping taking Probiotics you can have withdrawal symptoms, so I decided to go back on them. Well my problem being I haven't felt very good at all since coming off them,then going back on them.

I do want to stop taking them,but I FEAR being worse than I'm already feeling. I suffer really badly with my stomach,to the point it's now taking me down into Depression. Please don't tell me to see my GP,because that's just a waste of time. I would like to know if anyone else has come off Probiotics and felt ill from it,and ANY suggestions.

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24 Replies
Alaine1 profile image

Hi Gemini,

I’m not sure why you’ve been told you can get withdrawal from the probiotics as it’s simply not true! They are not a drug or medication in any sense of the word but a complementary aid that can help with digestion or in those taking antibiotics. I took them for 2 years as I’ve spent most of my life on antibiotics for frequent chest infections, ear infections, surgery etc and the dietician recommended I took them to help bring back the normal healthy bacteria in my stomach. I now only take them when I’m prescribed antibiotics and for a few weeks afterwards. I’ve personally never heard of this or been affected. I think in your case you might simply have a virus which will get better on its own and is nothing to worry about. I was feeling off colour a few weeks ago so stayed at home for a week and took it easy. I felt a lot better and blame the virus on my stressful lifestyle at the moment. I’ve not seen these probiotics can I ask what the brand is and where you purchased them?

Although you don’t want to see your GP I do think you need to see someone- I would recommend a dietician as they look after lots of different digestive problems and if they feel you need further investigation they can write to your GP. I see mine privately and even though she’s just outside central London she charges under £50 a session and slightly more if you see her in Harley Street. I’m sure outside London the price might be even cheaper. I hope this helps.

in reply to Alaine1

Hi Alaine,It's good to have you back,I hope your Dad is alright.

Right then,I had an intolerance test done by York Laboratories,which came back,slight intolerance to Yeast,you then get a call from a nutritionist who suggested I go on some Probiotics,so I asked her if she could recommend any and she said Optibac but you can only get them on line,so I had them from Amazon.

The first time I came off them,could have just been a coincidence I was unwell,but I put it down to these. When I asked on here if I could be having withdrawal symptoms,a few people told me yes. My pain Specialist also said to get some Probiotics down me. Quite honestly I think over a period of time I've had some pretty bad advice,I'm not talking about people on here,I mean professional advice. I suffer tremendously with my stomach / pelvic area,on a daily basis. I live daily knowing by the evening my pain reaches to crying stage. But I've changed the photo above to show what's in them,and where they come from. I think it's clear enough to read.

Thank you for your reply Alaine.

Pelviccrusader profile image

I agree with Alaine-but if you are really convinced that coming off probiotics can be difficult, perhaps you could do it in 2 steps. First, introduce fermented foods (which supply bacteria in a natural way). Just this may make you feel better. At that point, if you don't feel the fermented foods are helping you could discontinue them.

in reply to Pelviccrusader

Thank you I may give that a go.

bantam12 profile image

Are you taking the right probiotic ? Optibacs do many different ones, why don't you give them a call for advice.

in reply to bantam12

They are just everyday Probiotics. I didn't know there were different ones.

There is no phone number on them,but I can go back through Amazon to find one. Thank you.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Go to the Optibacs website.optibacprobiotics.co.uk/

in reply to bantam12

Wow,I never seen all them when I bought mine. I just seen a seven day one that helps bloating ,pain etc etc,It's a powder which may have been better for me in the first place.

Now I'm wondering if you can just jump from one to another. Or is it wishful thinking.🙄🙄

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Give them a call and they can advise which is best for you, there is a lot of info on their site so worth reading through it.

electricjaws profile image
electricjaws in reply to bantam12

To be honest I wouldn't bother contacting them because after all they are in the business of selling things , so they are not going to tell you that it was the optibac that made you poorly , otherwise no one would buy them and they would not make any money!!

Personally I don't think the optibac could possibly cause Withdrawal whatsoever, maybe they could upset your system a bit , however if I was you I would cut back on them and cut them out completely, because it is one less thing to stress about , if you are getting worried and wound up about it then it will make your stomach bad and your pelvic pain worse , because stress tightens up the pelvic floor because it goes subconsciously into protection mode

, so cut down , then cut them out altogether!

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to electricjaws

your reply seems to be for Gemini rather than me, she won't see it unless you click on reply under one of her messages.

electricjaws profile image
electricjaws in reply to electricjaws

P.s I notice they have magnesium stearate in , magnesium stearate effects my stomach and get bad tummy cramps, bad trapped wind & loose poo!)if I take anything with it in so it could be that upsetting your tummy , I usually buy vegetarian ones , I take ones called NU U Bio-cultures complex 180 vegetarian capsules, they are made in the U.K I wanted to put a photo of them on for you but can't suss out how to do that!

Konagirl60 profile image

Have you been tested for H.pylori? It can cause terrible stomach pain and other problems with digestion if it is not treated.

I to have never heard of a probiotic making anyone sick. That doesn't mean it is not possible. Have you completely weaned off of taking it?

Kombucha, Kimchee and other fermented foods like fermented mustard might help your tummy as others have suggested. Are you drinking enough water and are you taking a good fish oil or hemp oil?

I pray your gut calms down soon.

in reply to Konagirl60

Thank you for your reply. I think I've been tested for everything.

I have decided to do as Bantam said,because there is an awful lot of information about this particular probiotic. So I'll have a read then give them a call.

Konagirl60 profile image

Good luck. You know your body better than all of us. Keep us up to date.

in reply to Konagirl60

Wish I did.😃

Alaine1 profile image

Hi Gemini,

Thank you my parents have gone on holiday this week so will do them good. I personally wouldn’t recommend seeing a nutritionist- I asked my dietician and it’s not a protected title in the U.K. so anyone can do a 7 day online course and call themselves a nutritionist. There are of course highly qualified nutritionists who have done a degree and MSc so it’s not them I’m targeting here. Dietician is a protected title and they must be registered whether they are nhs or private practicing which is the same as physiotherapists, radiographers etc. It is then easier to report malpractice if needed. For me I needed to see a dietician as I can’t eat gluten, dairy etc plus I needed to gain weight - even though I eat a lot and dietician commented on this I need to eat the same as a very active person to gain and then maintain. It is next to impossible to see a dietician on the nhs here in London or it tends to be a one off ( even if you have Crohns!) and I knew it would take a while to get everything sorted out. It is all down to personal preferences - some dieticians confusingly call themselves nutritionists! If in doubt please ask who they are registered with as a legitimate nutritionist won’t mind plus on their website it should state their qualifications and registered bodies.

I think it’s a good idea to give them a call. I get mine in Holland and Barret. They also sell the same brand in Wholefoods and Boots. I will check the brand when I get home as I’m starting work at 12. Got a shorter shift today which is great as it’s hot and sunny here in central London ☀️☀️☀️

in reply to Alaine1

Oh I also think a holiday will do your Mom and Dad good.

I think my problem is,in the past I've had so many mistakes made with me from a medication point of view,that I get quite concerned about what I take now. I did look on there website as Bantam said,and I was really surprised at the amount of different Probiotics. But obviously because they don't know my medical history,they can't really recommend anything to me.

I did email them,but of course it's the week end so I don't expect an answer yet. I also thought I seen somewhere they sold them in boots,and small holistic shops,so I think my best bet would be to talk to them or my GP,who I think is sick of seeing me lately.🙄. But it would be nice of you to check them out for me,as I think the more input I get on something helps make a decision. Thank you.

in reply to Alaine1

Hi. I’m just wondering whether you’ve managed to put on any weight because I am in the same position as you, ie, I need to gain? I avoid ‘naughty’ foodstuffs because I am trying to nourish my body but it seems impossible to gain weight by eating healthily.

Alaine1 profile image

Hi Gemini,

These are the ones I use Bio-Kult.


I built up on the number I took over two weeks until I was taking the maximum amount. They were recommended to me by my dietician and I was also advised to take probiotics by my endometriosis specialist. They are on offer at the moment as part of a 3 for 2. They also have advise on how they should be taken. I swallow mine but you can sprinkle on food. I have found they have helped the bloating along with a gluten free diet which has helped the pain - the rheumatologist has thought I might be a coeliac but because I’ve been off gluten for such a long time and I’ve got a lot of pelvic pain from the various conditions he doesn’t want to add to it by asking me to start eating gluten again for two weeks so I can have the blood test. So I have a ‘diagnosis’ of coeliac based on my symptoms of weight loss, diarrhoea, pain and bloating etc. I also follow the foodmap diet but I have reintroduced some food which I can eat occasionally and in small amounts. For me it’s about helping the pain from conditions I can easily control - coeliac and mild IBS which means I don’t get an additional layer of pain on top of the endometriosis, adenomyosis and IC. It’s a bit like a jigsaw trying to find all of the missing pieces but until then we work with what we know works treatment wise and with the medical conditions that have been formally diagnosed. Even those that might not have a strong link to our pelvic pain ie back pain which for me is multifactorial. I think I have waffled on a bit too much 🙄

in reply to Alaine1

Hi Alaine,No you haven't waffled on to much,knowledge is power.

I've tried the fodmap diet,did no good for me. I totally agree with you on it being a bit like a jig saw. I think when you have quite a few health conditions,you can never really tell what could be causing what,and god knows I've been through the mill a few times. I always say I need someone to join up all the dots,then I think I just may get some relief. But all I ever get is I'm too complicated. But there again each specialist has his own area he knows about and he deals with that,but how he deals with one thing he could upset something else. If you get what I'm saying. And I've had that happen a few times,that's why I get so paranoid over what I take.

But thanks for your advice I will certainly look into that. You take care.

pizon profile image

hello .... no I've not had a problem the only suggestion I have is to try another I take a probiotic by Dr. David Williams you can find him on line....he dose guarantee his products if you have any problem he will refund your money looking at the ingredients what you are taking maybe it is something in them a probiotic should help your stomach problems you could also try slippery elm with or with out marshmallow root tea it has helped me you can read Dr. Williams report on digestive problems again he has helped me tremendsley Good luck I hope you feel better

Yacoub profile image

I see absolutely nothing in the list of ingredients that would cause any withdrawals!!!! The potato starch is BS, especially being the first and most of the probiotics. The live cultures are great. Please Google. Probiotics do NOT have any addictive qualities!! Take with food. I'm not a Dr, but pretty knowledge about holistic health and vitamin and mineral needs and know they work! I'm 63 and started studying (without Internet) since I was 18...that's a long time..lol

in reply to Yacoub

Hi there,I'm beginning to think Probiotics are pretty important,but there are so many to choose from. After a bit of research I gather shop Probiotics are no good because of there shelf life,and the watery type are no good ,example: Yacult,Benecol,or yogurts. Tablet or capsule form are better,so do you have a preference,that you would recommend.

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