Hi All,I hope you are all as well as can be. I'm just hoping someone can be of some help. I've been suffering this damPelvic pain now for well over 12-13yrs. But it is getting worse. Last July I had a nerve block,so I believe my pain specialist thinks it's due to the Prudendal nerve,and to use his words I'm very complicating,because I have quite a few other health issues,so lots of medication,I don't believe it done anything for me,but he want to do another one the middle of this month. I have a BM about 3-4times a day,and each time the pain gets worse,so by tea time I'm in agony,to a stage now where I'm depressed and tearful. But over the last week I go to the toilet for a BM,and I have LOTS of windand only what I could call mucus,like a slimy jelly. Sorry to sound sooo disgusting but it's the only way I can describe it. And it's worrying me to death,it's just another stress to add to the pain. Can anyone give me any reason for this. And has anyone had these nerve blocks,and they've worked.
Anyone taking the time to read my post,thank you.