Hi everyone out there, just to say I have received a cancellation and am booked in for 1st set off injections at Manchester hospital on 15th may. Terrified to say the least but looking forward to making a start to recovery. Will keep you posted how things go. Any advice on what to expect would be great .
Puedendal nerve inhections: Hi everyone... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Puedendal nerve inhections

i have had a few of these, they are not the most comfortable of treatments but are over fairly quickly.
are you having them by xray/ct guidance
Thank you for your reply. Did they make any difference to your pain levels? They are ultrasound guided . Dr demello a assistant is doing them. He said he does his by feeling his way to the nerve but I have pelvic floor spasm so he was frightened that he would trigger off a spasm if he was prodding around. I really hope I benefit.
hi sandra
sadly they didnt work for me but they did reduce the pain long enough for me to be diagnosed with pne.
i dont know if they explained what happens but in my case you lay on your front and they find the nerve with either a portable x ray type machine or you go into a ct scanner, (they do it that way in nantes but very rarely in the uk) the area is then numbed with anaesthetic and after that when they find the right area the nerve block is administered.
as i said its not the most pleasant of procedures as because they have to go through a muscle.
but it doesnt last long and is soon over, just think of something nice or do a shopping list in your head, it really works!!!!!!!
you will be fine, and let us know how you get on
Hiya, how did it go?? Was it BOTOX injections you had? Xxx
hi, I dont have them done until 15th May at manchester hospital. It isnt botox. I, not sure to be honest what it is. I have heard botox are good for the muscle spasms but to start with i need to go ahead with the ones that my consultant are offering. Trial and error is the name of the game with this condition i think. i will let you know how it goes when iv had them done. thank you for your reply.
Ah yes sorry I've just seen that date in your first post...good luck with everything! Stay positive and keep trying different options, I'm sure we can't all be medical mysteries and there must be a solution somewhere, like you say it's trial and error xx
Good luck. Sure it will be fine and hopefully will give you a result. Let us know how it goes.
Thank you , I'm going in on Monday for the nerve injections so I will report back to you all with any helpful info