I had been suffering from Pelvic Pain for years but was improved. However, some pain still remained. I had a physical at the Cleveland Clinic and a urologist there suggested Pudendal Nerve Block and Trigger Point Injections stating that I could get better and that there were no risks associated with this. After the procedure, I was in intense pain the following day and it was hell for a months. Also, I developed tremendous pain while sitting and had pain on my penis for the first time ever.
It has now been over 6 months and I still cannot sit like I used to and develop pain. I went to a second opinion recently and was diagnosed with Pelvic Neuralgia -- apparently the branch that goes to the penis is affected. No prior MDs had ever diagnosed this, not even at the Cleveland Clinic. The new MD said the procedure that caused the problems was unnecessary. I will be doing PT and stretching only to see if I get better -- in addition to avoiding sitting (affects work and all of life).
Has anyone ever developed much worse symptoms from a Pudendal Nerve Block or Trigger Point Injections?Anyone get cured from Pudendal Neuralgia? I got better before but believe all I had was pelvic floor tension and spasms, so this is new.
This Pudendal Hope site I read was anything but hope and cannot help but feel that many of the things I read now are advertisements from MDs looking to do unnecessary procedures.