I got referred to the pain clinic in March and just received my appointment for the end of October with the pain consultant. This seems a little bit excessive. Has anyone ever sought treatment privately? There's no way I can live with this pain for another 5.5 months!!!!
Pain clinic waiting times: I got... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Pain clinic waiting times

I have the same problem 😔. I been waiting since March and no appointment yet. I can't understand how it can take so long, I just thank my lucky stars that I am seeing a good GP at the moment, although it's taken 3yrs for them to take me seriously. Could your GP help you manage til the appointment? Or could he wrote a letter to get you an appointment any sooner? Take care.
Not sure where you are located. I see Dr privately but I'm in the usa, however still takes months because they are all busy. I've been living with pelvic pain for 4 years on a daily basis.
you actually have a legal right to be seen within 18 weeks of the original referral, which from todays date would take you to September however you were referred in March so you should be seen by August. I would contact them and refer to the NHS constitution. At the very least they can explain why there is such a wait, however unless you have refused a prior appointment which begins the clock again you should really if I remember rightly be seen sooner.
I waited a year for an injection into my right hip.
The problem is of course those who hold the purse strings and "they" are not convinced the injections work (and that is what I was told at my last procedure).
It's ridiculous and I can't even pay to go private becsuse despite my searching I can't find a private pain consultant!! I am desperate to have my life back. My gp gives me morphine, but it's not something I want to take every day only when I can't move from the pain. I am not even sure how the pain team are going to help me but I'm willing to try anything!!
Dr Greenslade in Bristol sees private patients. I saw him privately the first time. I have eventually got my appointment through for July. The 18 week can be 'gotten around' if it's a specialist field. If there is no choice of dr you have to wait as long as it takes cos there is nobody else! I would definitely chase it every week on the phone, or ask your GP to write and ask them to hurry up! Hope you get sorted soon. Take care.

How do you find Dr Greenslade. I did have a consultation with him once and I found him to be so nice and very knowledgeable. Problem is GP says it will be really hard to get to see him on the NHS due to funding so is going to send me back to the pain clinic in London which is not great.
It does take a long time to be seen on the NHS, but it's worth the wait to see the right person.
I was on morphine for almost a year before my last surgery, now I manage on Tramadol. The pain team in Hull were really great and other people I met were a inspiration to me. I was introduced to relaxation techniques and a Tens machine which I still sometimes use. I understand how hard it is, do they run a pain clinic in your area? If so would the nurses there be able to better advise you on seeing a consultant? Hope this helps a little.
I used to see a consultant in London at Queens Square. He just has no bedside manner and you feel like it is his way or the highway!! I would see him in the joint clinic with the Urogynae consultant that caused me more problems after inserting the mesh.
I am having to be referred back there but I have asked to see a different pain consultant and I am now under urogynae team at St Marys in London. I did see dr Greenslade in Bristol privately for an initial consultation and found him to be so understanding and knowledgable. GP Is concerned I may not get funding this go to Bristol so I am going back to pain clinic in London. When I get a new appointment I will speak to the nurses regarding this. Thank you so much