After going to my doctors in April complaining of really bad pelvic pain,fainting,nausea, anxiety, depression, dry skin, hair loss even down below,backache, decline in kidney function, strange taste, red eyes, bone pain, muscle pain, constipation and tiredness which I've had for at least a year and half and bloating where my waist as actually expanded, the doctor finally referred me to a gynaecologist after having ultrasound where they found a couple of cysts and a fibroid. The sonographer said theyre small and nothing to worry about but how can they tell from an ultrasound? After 9 days I got a letter to make an appointment. I called the NHS appointment line and the next available one is 2nd July so that means it will be well over 3 months since I started with other symptoms such as bloating. Is this the norm for an appointment?
Waiting months to see a gynaecologist - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Waiting months to see a gynaecologist

It's terrible having to wait so long, but my initial appointment was 17 weeks and 6 days wait, I went back to see my GP last week to see if things could be hurried along and the hospital have contacted me and they have brought it forward 3 weeks, so only 3 more to wait!! Try and harass them or your GP to try and get an earlier appointment, good luck!
Thank you for reply and that's disgusting that you have to wait that long. It mentally drains you and it is so wrong but what's the alternative? Private medical care which is what the government are trying to achieve. Shocking. Truly shocking especially when you fit all the criteria for fast tracking. Keep us updated on your journey x
Yes the nhs does not have enough doctors and too many patients
Your symptoms are very typical of an underactive thyroid, if you haven't been tested it would be a good idea to have your TSH, T4 and T3 done.