Hello I'm 15 and I've been having quite severe menstrual cramps and I don't know wether to go to the doctors because I'm have to stop or curl up on the floor because I'm in so much pain and painkillers are not working.
Really painful menstrual cramps - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Really painful menstrual cramps

You poor thing 😕 You definitely need to see a dr. Try putting a hot water bottle or wheat bag on in the mean time.
Hello Nikole,
Do you have any other symptoms like heavy periods etc? I only ask and this is only a suggestion as some people do just have painful periods occasionally but you could have something called endometriosis. Have you heard of it? It is not life threatening if you haven’t, so please don’t worry but it is something that can be helped. You will need to go to the doctors though but I can help you if you are worried about what questions they will ask or anything like that.
As for controlling the pain, sometimes it can come down to how you combine over the counter medication rather than the strength of it. Ibuprofen (nurofen) is what’s called a NSAI -non steroid anti-inflammatory and it works better if you can start taking it before the pain starts or as soon as it starts: this is because it works by stopping your body releasing a hormone that lets your body know you are in pain. So if you take it when you are already in pain you won’t feel the benefit until the second or third dose- as the hormone that was released prior to you taking the first dose needs to work its way out of your system.
So I would try this method first:
alternate between; 2 ibuprofen and then 2 hours later take 2 paracetamol (now you can take a maximum of 6 normal Ibuprofen or 3 max strength ibuprofen in 24 hours and 8 paracetamol (at least 4 hours apart) in 24 hours)
If you need something stronger you can buy co-codamol over the counter and these contain the normal dosage of a paracetamol tablet and an 8mg dose of codeine. You can follow the same pattern as above but swap the paracetamol tablets with the co-codamol ones. (now co-codamol can cause you to become dehydrated so you need to increase the amount of water you drink if you take them)
Also don’t bother buying the brand name tablets just buy the cheap generic boots/chemists/happy shopper own brand as they all have the same active ingredients in and are a lot cheaper.
I really hope that hasn’t confused you, just ask me if it doesn’t make sense. I just remember being like you at your age and I found the pain really scary and I had no one to help me.
Victoria xx
My daughter had painful periods and we went to see the GP and he prescribed some painkillers and put her on the pill. This helped to regulate her periods, made them lighter and less painful. See your GP, he will be able to help. Take care.
Also, if you're able, talk to your mum. It maybe something in the family and she may have some tips for you but do talk to your doctor. X