Hi everyone, I am brand new and at my wits end 😞
I am a 31 year old female who is currently under consultants to find out why I am in constant pain.
My symptoms are when I go for a wee the pain is unbearable like weeing razor blades and brings me to tears. Not every day but horrific when i flare.
I then have constant pain in my uretha all day every day not my bladder. Currently in tears as the pain is horrendous.
It's like a weight is hanging from my uretha! The hospital have done biopsy on my bladder nothing significant, I am on Amitriptyline on the night cocadymol, gabepentin but nothing is helping.
I have tried all the diet stuff herbal stuff nothing is helping.
I am in pain every day and it's getting me to my lowest point. I have a 3&4 year olds and a full time job. Although I am having so much time off they are on the verge of sacking me.
The hospital won't do a biopsy on my uretha as they would cause to much damage and apart from an MRI they said I might be coming to the end of the road and it's just managing the pain. I can't handle it anymore. It's ruining my life.
Does anyone have similar? Or advice? I want them to remove it all everything ! X