My doctor suggested a few different drugs, like rifampricin, naltrexone, and fenofibrate for my itch. He prescribed fenofibrate as he thinks it works best. Does anyone here take it and if so, has it helped? I'm worried about the warnings it comes with about severe liver damage.
How effective is fenofibrate for itch? - PBC Foundation
How effective is fenofibrate for itch?

If you do a search about itch there are several posts where you may find some information to help make a decision. I understand that if you decide to try Fenofibrate you should be closely monitored by your specialist.
At one time I was on a mixture of Cholestryramine (which I did not find easy to take) Rifampicin and 25mg Sertraline this seemed to control the very distressing itch. During the pandemic I was caught away from home and found it difficult to get certain medications. I now take 2 X 300mg Gabapentin and L-Methionine (SAME) 2 tablets daily and the 25mg Sertraline. This seems to be containing the so called itch of PBC for me. Due to a variety of difficulties accessing medical assistance over the recent past I had to make decisions for myself. I gathered information from the EASL Guidelines, (I believe there is something similar for your area) looked at the PBC Foundation's Web site and read Professor Jones's book PBC: The Definitive Guide for patients with Primary Biliary Cholangitis, I downloaded this from Amazon to my tablet. If you decide to buy it please make sure to get the second edition.
I remember well the distress caused by the itch, in my search for an answer there were suggestions to try a cool bath with bi carbonate of soda, keep a damp flannel in the fridge, keep well hydrated and the skin supple so as not to break the skin with scratching. At one time I also used a cream with menthol in it. Staying away from sugary products and sugar in general is often recommended and this for me is true. On the odd occasion that I indulge with a slice of fresh home made sponge then I pay the price. Medication has been the only real solution for me.
Good luck with your search, hope you are able to enjoy the festive season. Happy New Year.
Thank you butterflyEi for your thorough response. It's very helpful. I'm glad you found the right combo of medication for yourself. I will get Prof Jones' book. I too find that sugar affects me. Most creams make me itch as I have eczema and lichen planus, although Vaseline and protopic sometimes help. I'll keep moisturized and hydrated and try the baking soda baths. Happy Holidays!
I was on bezafibrate which is virtually the same drug. It stopped my itching and normalised my enzyme figures. My itching wasn’t too bad though but now I’ve stopped the drug my itching is back. I had to stop them because it caused a kidney problem so if you go on them ask to have your kidneys monitored.
Hi Carly, I've been taking Fenofibrate for about 3 years, but not for itching. It has brought my ALP numbers down to the bottom of normal range. I see my liver doctor every 6 months, and no problems so far. In fact, the latest fibroscan shows a normal liver!
Good luck with the itching. I've had it in the past, but it was due to a change in generic ursodiol and got better with another brand.
I began fenofibrate 5 months ago because my ALP has been consistently high and rising, even with urso. Within 1 month I had my first normal liver panel in 6 years. I’ve been fortunate and never experienced the itching, but it’s been great for my liver.
That's interesting how fenofibrate can be good for the liver. That's great that it worked for you! You are lucky not to experience the itching.
same!!! I am taking fenofibrate And numbers are best ever in n 14 years.