PBC & ITP and Covid vaccine is it safe for people with autoimmune illnesses?
Autoimmune conditions and Covid vaccine - PBC Foundation
Autoimmune conditions and Covid vaccine

As I understand it from various webinar held by the PBC Foundation with their specialists where the vaccine has been discussed it will be beneficial to have the vaccine. I do not know what ITP is, but perhaps best to talk it over with your specialists if you are unsure.
As with the annual flu vaccine I will not hesitate to get the vaccine when offered.
ITP is idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura an autoimmune illness that affects the platelets in the blood reducing clotting. Normal platelet readings are between 150 - 400. When I was diagnosed it was 10 but now with a medication called Romiplostin that I have to inject every 4 weeks I can maintain a level of at least 70-80. It may very well be linked to my liver but I also have had to have my Thyroid removed and I am on daily thyroxine for life occasionally I suffer from lichen planus as well as PBC . I in common with many other people I appear to have multiple autoimmune conditions and it would be really nice to have confirmed that the Covid vaccine is safe for us. I am 74 years of age and I would quite like to have my 75th Birthday in January celebrate my Silver Wedding in August 🙏
Hi, it is so true that auto immune diseases do not come alone. I have lichen plano pilarius in addition to a couple of others. We certainly meet the challenges that this all brings. May I wish you a happy birthday for January and I sincerely hope that by August we will all be able to hug our loved ones. Happy Anniversary wishes for then Best wishes
Hi there, PBC Canada has just posted that Dr Hirschfield (PBC specialist) has advised it is safe for us. I think by the time it’s available for “regular” people they will have much more data to share.
On Good Morning Britain on the morning the Pfizer vaccine was approved, Professor Angus Dalgleish from Oncology at St George's Hospital Tooting said the vaccine is not suitable for everyone and certainly not for those with autoimmune conditions. I have asked the PBC Foundation but not had a direct answer just to listen to the question and answer sessions. They refer to it not being suitable for people on immunosuppressants and those having transplants, but not mentioned the autoimmune element. If I was offered the vaccine, bearing in mind what I heard a Professor say, I would not know what to do. I guess we will hear if there are problems when ai people are vaccinated. I think I will wait for Oxford Astrozenica because it works more like the ordinary flu vaccine which I have had for years with no problems
I listened to Prof David Jones a couple weeks ago. I believe he said he will only take the Pfizer vaccine because it is not live. And If I remember correctly, he said Astra Zenica is live. I’m not willing to take any of it until further in depth research is done to find out what it does to the immune system.
Professor Dalgleish said it's not good to over stimulate the immune system and I have no idea which if any vaccine would do that. My feeling is until they widely use it they are not really sure. In UK they are vaccinating in my area and I may get called so I'll decide then
Very good info and thank you for that. I read something similar about the immune system. My concern is this, if something in the vaccine is supposed to tell our immune systems to attack the Covid then why hasn’t someone found a way through all these years, to reverse our immune system to attack bad instead of good.
Did you have your biopsy? Thinking of you.
Yes, I had it in September. Still mostly stage 2 fibrosis with a little 3. Thanks for asking😊
Glad you haven’t progressed more? What meds are you taking now for the PBC?
Well, it showed I have early bridging and I think that’s where my 3 is so there was some progression. My hep drew it out for me a couple weeks ago so I could better understand. I’m still on ocaliva and he will increase to 10 mg when we renew my script in January.
Thank you everyone for your replies and the further debate re Covid vaccines. I speak with my Consultant on 31st re PBC and on 18th January with my Haematologist re PBC and as I do not anticipate being contacted to receive a vaccination before those dates I will ask for their views on Oxford Astrozenica and Pfizer vaccine. I will post their responses and hopefully they will help us make a good decision. Have a very Happy & safe Christmas everyone thank you for being here on this forum it does provide comfort and support. E xx
That’s exactly what I’m wondering about
I had Influenza vaccine recently without any side effect 🧐🧐 but I don’t know if it’s the same as covid or not
My Hepatologist is Jody Olson at K.U. Medical in Kansas. I just had my annual check up with him and asked him that very question. He told me because of the uptick in cases after the last holiday, he's been doubling his duties working in the ICU Covid-19 unit. He said far, far worse than having autoimmune disease and contracting Covid-19, was being overweight and getting the virus. Those who are obese do not do well at all after getting covid-19. *He recommended that ones with autoimmune diseases absolutely get the vaccine. And if you are overweight doubly so.