Hi there I wonder if any of you with Pbc have dental implants? It's something I'm researching at the moment as I need to fill some gaps in my teeth. I've read that there is a higher failure rate in people with autoimmune diseases. Thanks in advance, any advice is really welcome ?
Dental implants and autoimmune disease - PBC Foundation
Dental implants and autoimmune disease

I have had one for 10 years with no issues. I was diagnosed a year ago with PBC. interesting correlation and good to know.
No help I'm afraid but will be interested as it's likely I may want an implant in the future. I recently had a tooth removed due to a chronic abcess (in the root of the tooth and bone). The problem had been allowed to get severe as my dentist referred me to an orthodontist who was going to charge me an extortionate amount of money to try to save an already root filled tooth which was not even viable. In the event I was in such agony but then my dentist didn't want/refused to pull the tooth as I was taking steroids. I was eventually helped by top dental surgeon Mr lavery at the macindoe hospital East grinstead who gave me a shot of cortisone before he removed the offending tooth. He talked to me about possible dental implant in the future so I don't think there would pose a problem. I have complete faith in Mr. Lavery who was very kind and reassuring as well as skilled.
Well, I need one right now. I'll have the rooth removed next tuesday and since it's in front I need an implant. Never wondered if I could do it, but now I get scared
I have had two implants with no trouble at all. It was several years ago now and nothing has gone wrong. I have Scleroderma, Sjogren's, PBC and Rheumatic Heart Disease. My dentist is careful and reliable and I have complete faith in everyone at the practice, can't say the same for every dentist I have ever been treated by but get a good practitioner and you should be OK.
I've had dental implants, best thing I ever did!
They were fitted before diagnosis but I've had no problem with them. Your dentist should advise you as to risk of failure etc.
I had my front teeth replaced with implants. No problems and the best thing I ever did. A couple of wobbly ones look to be going the same way so it's likely I will have more. My problem is receding bone so it's not something which will improve. I understand there is an alternative but it involved bone graft and surgery so not really a viable option.
From what I've read it sounds like if you have preexisting autoimmune disease you are more sensitive to the titanium implant and allergies can develop as a result. Numerous articles online also suggest that having titanium implants can also predispose you to autoimmune disease. Being that it's not only major surgery and large financial outlay I think I'll check with my consultant first as I'm not sure a dentist will give me an honest opinion.......watch this space! ?
I have Sjogrens, Reynauds and possibly Lupus and PBC. I got one implant for a front tooth which had to come out due to an abcess.
It has been a great success (had it six years now)but I would make sure you go to a really respected and experienced dentist. I did have some issues initially with gum infection round the implant and had many courses of antibiotics but have chronic gingivitis anyway due to the Sjogrens.It all settled down within about three months or so and has been perfect since.
I would go for it despite the expense. Good luck. C x
After years of battling gum disease I was sent to the Eastman hospital in London. Eventually I had 3 implants put in in 2002 and they are still doing fine. I have to pay to see the hygienist , well should be every 3 months but I tend to leave it longer. She has me using a sonic toothbrush and floss. I "discovered " I had PBC in 2000 so this was known at the time of the implants and caused no problems.
Hi - I was diagnosed with PBC 12 years ago and had an inplant five years ago. No problem at all. I didnt think to read up on it! I am happy with my inplant so go for it.
Hi I had one 4 years ago , has pbc for over 10 years no problems what so ever good luck xx
It didn't effect me in any way by having dental implants. Just made my life better. I've had PBC since 2002 and am still at stage 1. On URSO since then. Got dental implants in 2006. I get my blood done every 3 months, have regular biopsies and ultra sounds. Liver still pink. Stay close to your GI doc and more importantly, find one you trust. Good luck
Going for upper jaw reconstruction in 2 days........confident now that I'm doing the right thing 😁
This also has to do with bone mass. PBC patients have a higher incidence of bone mass issues so it would impact the bones in oral cavity as well for implanting.