What otc pain reliever can you take with PBC Advil, Tylenol, or Aleve?
Pain reliever : What otc pain reliever can... - PBC Foundation
Pain reliever

Or should I say, this is what my hepatologist told me to take. Some drs differ.
Tylenol. I’m stg 4 cirrhosis and he said my liver can’t completely metabolize NSAIDs. The partially metabolized products can cause kidney. Since he told me I have found research papers explaining in more detail. Tylenol doesn’t really work for me. I’m not a fan of opiates. I see him tomorrow and plan to discuss turmeric (curcumin) and THC.
Please let us know about tumeric. I had read that tumeric is bad if people have biliary problems. So I am confused . Plus very confused about which pain meds. Not getting any answers.😊
Do what do you take? Can you take Advil or Aleve?
My hepatologist says ibuprofen every now & then is okay. Not a prolonged usage though.
I think the answer is it depends on your individual circumstances, should check in with your own doctor.
In the uk we are advised to take just paracetamol- not sure what the equivalent is in the states....
I have been advised only paracetamol by both my gp and liver consultant
What type of pain are you experiencing? For the cold type aches and pains, especially with fever, I use Advil LIQUID gels. Only for the length of time it takes to reduce fever. My doctors also said, never Tylenol. For muscles aches and pain, have you ever heard of white willow bark? You can get it in an oral spray for the best absorption. WWB is where aspirin come from. I also rub a few drops of hemp oil on sore areas which always surprises me at how much better it feels for awhile. I use CBD oil tincture orally for all over soreness associated with arthritis and inflammation. If I'm really having a bad day from my scoliosis, I will use a little bit of a THC capsule which will ease the pain. On rare occasions, I have to take a narcotic, but that is only after all else has failed. My doctors know what I do and always remind me that we have to live our lives with PBC. Pain is not a natural state for humans to exist in. I find movement in yoga and meditation help immensely with pain. Hope you are able to find something that works for you. Be well
My hep told me absolutely no ibuprofen. Only Tylenol. Plus to only take half the recommended dosage.
A tylenol. Anything non Asprin. But only for a short time.