Does anyone suffer from excruciating joint pain??
Joint Pain: Does anyone suffer from... - PBC Foundation
Joint Pain

Hi alaska_rio, i suffer with really bad pain in the joints of my ankles aswell as pain in the ball of my foot. I also have osteoarthritis in my knees so because of this my GP doesnt know if the ankle pains are associated with that or the PBC so i am being referred back to my rheumatologist. Have you been to your GP to have your joints checked as i know that PBC can cause pain in joints and muscles. If your GP isnt sure you could ask to be referred to a rhuematologist. Hope this might be of some help to you. Take care.
Hi,I suffer with really bad pain in my joints too,especially my knees and elbows. I also have osteoporosis.My GP prescribed me capsaicin cream for my knees which has helped a little and I have been taking Naproxen for the past few years for the pain in my joints and I also take a lot of analgesics.All the best.
Hi i suffer from terrible joint pain in shoulders/elbows/fingers and hips/knees/ankles/feet. Im treated by a rheumatologist but he doesnt really know what is causing the pain. Sometimes I can bearly walk my feet hurt so much. I have depo-medrone injections with limited success. Cant take pain killers apart from paracetamol due to bad reactions.
Joint pain in wrists, fingers and ankles. Saw rheumatologist last year and eventually found that I had no cartilage in my right wrist. Pain now in my left wrist so maybe cartilage in that wrist is deteriorating as well. Ankles are also painful at times and GP tells me I have "tennis elbow" in left elbow. Who knows if it is caused by the PBC. As we see different specialists for differnet disorders it seems that none know whether or not it is caused by the PBC. We need specialists in PBC so they acan examine all our symptoms and may be able to
find what symptoms are directly related to the PBC and which to other problems.
Interesting you were told you had tennis elbow as at last visit to rheumatology I was told I had tennis elbow in both arms. He also mentioned that the subcutaneous layer under my skin has disappeared and that may explain the bruising I get....I asked for explanation as to why and just got that well maybe sort of answer.....i.e. dont know.
Hi Gioielli, I am with you there as one specialist does not seem to know what the other one is talking about, I have been to a rheumatologist and to be honest he could not get me out of his clinic fast enough, at first he said he knew all about PBC, until I asked he to explain it to me and then just said " well I am not really up on liver disease" in other words he was just bluffing. Now they just tell me they don't know what is causeing the pain in my joints.
I too have joint pain, my knees hurt badly at night. I lost a job in 1996 because of tennis elbow. I have degenative disc disease of the neck and the back. I haven't been able to take inflammation meds since the 90's because I would pass blood for some reason. The only help I can receive are the streriods. I had been on Fosamax for about 10 yrs for osteoporosis, and Ursodiol for 9 yrs, and from what I have read ,others wrote, these meds can cause joint pain. I dropped the Fosamax this year, because of the warning it can cause jaw bone and femur problems. My GI had increased Ursodiol and Cholestryamine because now I have the burning ( itching) skin problem. So after this and a round of predisone and an antibiotic, I wound up with esophagitis. I can't fix the pain problem for harming the liver or my digestive system! I was the one who asked if anyone had had a collasped small intestine. This was supposed to have shown on an MRI. So during Endosopy last week, they found no such thing! I am losing confidence in the doctors and all of the test, and am so tired of the pain.
I don't know if it works or not but I just read in a health magazine that for joint and bone pain you should take 1200 mg of vitamin C every day!