Tylenol?: Does anyone know if Tylenol PM is... - PBC Foundation

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meginaromas profile image
12 Replies

Does anyone know if Tylenol PM is safe to take (2xs/wk)? I know ibuprofen is our enemy, but not sure about Tylenol, especially to help sleeplessness/getting to sleep (another problem).



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meginaromas profile image
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12 Replies
ninjagirlwebb profile image

Actually my hepatologist said ibuprofen every now & then was okay, but not Tylenol. The jury is out on this one...answer varies depending on who you ask.

butterflyEi profile image

mine said paracetamol was okay every now and then but to try and keep the dose to half the recommended amount on the packet.

I doubt paracetamol will help you sleep. I use You Tube guided sleep meditation recordings to help my sleep, now I do not need it every night just as top up but when I first started listening before sleep I was using it every night.

IAmTheGlue profile image

Tylenol PM is just Tylenol and Benadryl. You should ask your doctor but mine advised me that I would suffer no harm from Benadryl or small amounts of Tylenol. I take just Benadryl when I need it to sleep if I'm not in actual pain

Like anything, it depends on your level of disease but my doctor who advised me to never take Ibuprofen said it was due to it being so hard on your kidneys. He said by the time we reach the last step that often times your kidneys are also shot (I already have signs of kidney disease). Anyway, that is what my doctor advised for me so double check with yours to be sure it applies in your case as well.

YvonneGS profile image
YvonneGS in reply to IAmTheGlue

It would seem to me that with the latest concerns about Benadryl, it would not be safe to take it. There have been numerous articles recently in the news about it. Might be worth checking further...

IAmTheGlue profile image
IAmTheGlue in reply to YvonneGS

Will do! I'm actually going to see my Dr on Friday so I will check again

genj65 profile image
genj65 in reply to IAmTheGlue

Could you please let me know I have to take benadryl nightly to sleep due to my severe itching. I do the children's liquid filled by a half glass of water and sleep calm as a baby..

IAmTheGlue profile image
IAmTheGlue in reply to genj65

Yes, I will

meginaromas profile image

Thanks for your comments. I will try the YouTube meditation videos.

Yankeerose3 profile image

I've been taking Tylenol PM every night for a while now Doctor said if you need to take pain medicine take... Tylenol also, said melatonin is okay to take So I don't think it would cause a problem if you take Tylenol PM as prescribed by the bottle

kizzywizzy99 profile image

Hi Meg, my doctor told me the only drug I should take without asking for advice or prescription is Paracetamol, within guidelines. Meditation can help both with pain reduction and with sleep. Using Binaural Beats helps reinstate a goog sleep pattern, as well as helping with deoression, anxiety etc.

Using Binaural Beats to work with Depression, Anxiety, Worry, and other negative mental states.

When a person is in a chronic state of depression, anxiety etc., changes happen in the brain.

This is why anti depressant and anti anxiety drugs are prescribed, they change the chemical make up of the brain. They do not always work, in fact they may numb the person to the underlying feelings, and make it difficult to deal with the issues that have caused the problems in the first place. They also have many unwanted side effects.

Binaural Beats are a non chemical, non invasive, free and safe way to work with depression and other negative mental states. There have been many scientific studies proving that Binaural Beats have a beneficial effect. They are not widely known about, because the large Pharmaceutical companies want to make money from selling their drugs, and promote chemical 'cures' which only mask the symptoms, rather than curing the problems.

Binaural Beats involve listening to a specially prepared musical track using stereo headphones. Underneath the audible music are two very low frequency tracks, that are inaudible, sent to each ear. For instance a wavelength of 200 Hertz and one of 210 Hertz and sent into separate ears. The brain hears both sounds, and makes an imaginary beat from the difference in the two wavelengths, in this case, 10 Hertz, which is an Alpha wave. The brain then follows along at the new frequency and produces brainwaves at the same rate of Hertz (Hz), thus becoming entrained to that frequency. This Alpha wave changes the electro chemical wavelengths in the brain, and with frequent use, can restore normal brain function, without the use of drugs.

The wavelengths used for therapeutic purposes and their effects are:

Alpha: Relaxation, Stress reduction, Positive Thinking, Accelerated Learning

Theta: Helps with REM sleep, Deep relaxation and inner peace, Meditation, Creativity

Delta: Deep sleep, Pain relief, Anti ageing, Healing, Access to the unconscious mind (helpful in working on issues that the person is not aware of)

It is advisable to start with a short Alpha track of about 10 minutes morning and night.

Lie down in a comfortable position, put on the headphones, plugged into your phone or other device, click on the chosen track and close the eyes.

At first you might experience slight physical sensations, such as tingling in limbs, mild headache or feeling very tired afterwards. This is just the brain getting used to the new stimulus. These wear off after a few days.

Then when you are comfortable, use a longer Alpha track.

When you are comfortable with a 20 to 40 minute Alpha track, add in a short Theta track.

At first use a short track, then a longer one when you are comfortable with the short one.

Then after a few weeks, add in a Delta track, and again, start with a short track, and move to a longer one when you are used to the shorter one.

It is advisable to use the very same tracks for at least a month to 3 months, than change to different tracks within the Alpha, Theta and Delta range and to then use these new tracks for at least a month. You can then change back to the original tracks, or try out new ones, but it's important to stay with any new track for at least a month.

A good regime to follow is an Alpha and Theta track in the morning before you get up and a Delta track at night before you go to sleep. If you find that you have trouble sleeping, you need to do the night time track earlier in the day, or spend less time using the Binaural Beats until a good sleep pattern returns. This possible sleeplessness is temporary, while the brain gets used to the new stimulation. Not everyone has sleeplessness, and it soon goes away.

How to find Binaural Beat Tracks:

Go to YouTube, search Binaural Beats, and then search for Unisonic Ascension. Choose Alpha, Theta and Delta tracks from this collection. These tracks have gentle music that is easy to listen to, and well researched binaural beats underneath the music.

You will notice your mood lifting quite soon after starting with Binaural Beats. Energy will return. Then it is important to deal with the issues that caused the depression, anxiety or other negative state in the first place.

You may need to access professional help in dealing with deep seated issues.

When dealing with traumatic issues, from childhood or earlier in life, access the FEELING you experienced while going through that trauma. Try and name the emotion that arises (Loss, fear, unworthy, anger, terror etc. etc.). Imagine a cloud of that emotion all around your body. Breath in this 'cloud' into your heart chakra (centre of your chest.) Imagine that cloud being transformed into brilliant white light, and exhale it. Repeat several times. Let it all go. You can do this with people that have hurt you as well.

You can do this while listening to Binaural Beats.

You might find that memories and emotions arise while you are listening to Binaural Beats, and this is a great opportunity to deal with such issues. Do not be afraid to cry, shout, or express whatever emotion comes up.

If you repress or squash or dismiss these feelings, they will still be there in your unconscious mind, and may appear as physical illnesses or other mental problems. Un-processed emotions are the reason you may be suffering from depression or anxiety in the first place. This is the beauty of Binaural Beats, they give you access to these emotions, and with the healing of unhelpful brain patterns, you will have the strength to work with them.

Binaural beats also help with Meditation, which is recognised as a most positive way of improving mental states and bringing peace and joy to a troubled mind.

While listening to the music, become aware of your feet, then your legs, your bum, your back, your arms, your hands, your head. Keep your attention on your body. Be aware of your breath, the in breath coming through your nose, through your windpipe to your lungs. Hold for a few moments, then be aware of the air leaving your lungs, through your throat, through your mouth. As you gently allow your mind to rest on your body or your breath, it allows the brain to relax and stop thinking. Relax into mind stillness. This is the essence of meditation. You will find thoughts coming back in, instead of 'getting lost in the story', just notice that your thoughts have crept back in, say 'OK, that was a thought, I don't need to get involved right now', and gently take your attention back to your body or your breath.

Be gentle with yourself, it has taken years to get into a negative state, it was not your fault. Everyone does the best they can at the time, afterwards, we can see that how we handled things may not have been the best way, but its easy to see that in hindsight.

2bear profile image

Thank u so much for the detailed explanation. I totally agree - I’m a therapist and utilize integrative practices like these and I know for myself the difference between when I practice for myself and don’t - blessings.

genj65 profile image

My herpetologist said it's okay for me to take tylenol.

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