Does anyone else with PBC bruise very easy? I get bad bruises on my legs and sometimes don't even know how I got them.
Bruising: Does anyone else with PBC bruise... - PBC Foundation
Hi Vera70 , if you are a night itcher you may be scratching at night which may cause the bruising. PBC is known to cause difficulty with absorption of vitamins A D E & K. It is vitamin K which if deficient may cause bruising. The following link describes the problem. A doctor around 20 minutes into the recording discusses these vitamins.
I have taken a multi vitamin for quite some time and no longer find unknown bruising.
May be worth checking with your doctor.
Me too! I can just catch an arm or a leg on something and even through clothes can bruise. I try and remember when I "hit" something so the bruise is not such a surprise.
Hi there
I bruise easy it’s sometimes happen when platelets are low which is very common with pbc. Mine have been just below the lowest normal for a few years now.
Snap, not a clue some of them and they're everywhere.