What causes bruises when you scratch
Bruising: What causes bruises when you... - PBC Foundation

Hello Oldlady2012.
The only thing I can think of is that perhaps you are scratching a bit too hard and damaging tissue.
I know myself for the last few yrs I have found that I don't actually bruise much at all. I did notice once when I did bang myself and got a small bruise, it didn't go yellow like they tend to do. I did find out that yellow is break up of bile in a bruise that is fading but I just think maybe now we have PBC certain things work slightly differently. I am an itcher so maybe that is why in my case.
I presume you are having regular blood checks as if anything was amiss there you'd certainly have been informed. Not sure if the right vitamin but K has something to do with skin. Might be worthwhile you asking your doctor when you see him next.

Thanks I will check about that. I know I have alpha thalassemia an anemic so I will check
Hi Oldlady2012,
I am pretty certain it is a Vitamin K deficiency, as that is what happened to me when I was in hospital and having Vitamin K injections.
I am end stage and still get them every time the dog jumps up on me.
Maybe ask to check your Vitamin K levels next time you have a blood test done.
Good luck
Julez - are you in the decompensated stage of Stage 4?
Good question Calogia what does that mean. I am in Australia maybe we call or something else or that no one has ever called it that to me.
I have just googled it and I think the answer is yes.
I have encephalopathy, ascites, jaundice, and have had 3 esophageal banding procedures, cirrhosis and I bruise easily. I have just got out of hospital yesterday as they thought I had another mini stroke, but they now think it is the encephalopathy causes me to be unable to communicate or move my limbs.
I'm so sorry to hear that. When I was diagnosed with PBC it was already Stage 4. In the US stage 4 is in two stages, compensated and decompensated. You would be considered decompensated if you have jaundice and ascites. I have cirrhosis but it hasn't changed in 2 yrs. I am told eventually I will go into the decompensated stage.
I wish the best for you it's such a strange disease...
We have (as far as I'm aware) only the four stages but it could be that they haven't said about compensated or decompensated stages to me.
I presume decompensated is worse as I am rarely up these days.
And the encephalopathy they have been treating with antibiotics Rifaximin and Lactulose are not removing the ammonia from my body.
Seeing the transplant team on Tuesday if I don't deteriorate before then so I'll hopefully find out more.
Julez - I wish you the best of luck with the transplant team. There are several people on this site who have had the transplant and are doing extremely well.
Imagine feeling so much better after transplant!
Good Luck!
I can't wait, 5 years ago my family came to say goodbye to me as they didn't think I'd make it through to wait for a donor. Then my liver decided to work enough to bump me right down in priority. The surgeon called me his little miracle as it's a miracle I'm here.
It has been a long 5 years with very poor health.
I know the transplant won't be easy but neither is this.
Thanks for listening.
That's how they found my PBC cause I was bruising for no reason.
I have thalasseamia B trait I bruise in the same way. Ever since I was a child I've bruised. Have no idea why perhaps ask your doctor.