I recently cought the congestion crud that was going around unfortunately for me it has turned into bronchitis and I cant seem to shake it. I have already been to the doctor and have gotten a shot and some steroids for home but it's not getting any better. Any ideas what might help?
Cant shake Bronchitis : I recently cought the... - PBC Foundation
Cant shake Bronchitis

Jess5377...sorry you’re not feeling well. It takes us longer to shake off illnesses. I’m sure I’m headed to the dr tomorrow as well. Headache that I thought was sinus since Friday. Legs aching today & discovered a low temp. Nothing in my chest so far. Lots of crud going around. I’ve been so careful to use saline in my nose & keep my hands clean. Seems we can’t win sometimes. I do hope you feel better soon. 😊
Hi Jess5377,
I'm assuming you got antibiotics as well for the bronchitis. Like gwillistexas said, it often takes us longer to get over something, and I usually just keep working if I'm not contagious and try to push through. However, I recently had a terrible sinus infection with high fever, chills, aches, swollen face, etc. and I made myself get some rest(which is so important but I rarely do it). I started my steroids and antibiotics and got in bed and slept for 11 straight hours! And on and off after that. I woke up the next morning a new woman which is unheard of for me. It usually lingers for weeks. If you can, try a period of extended rest and allow yourself some downtime, plus get LOTS of fluids. Wishing you a speedy recovery. There is so much going around right now😊
You are correct when I want to the dr. I got a shot of antibiotics and steroids both and steroid pills to take at home.
Ugh those lingering respiratory bugs can be so hard to shake.. and its easy to get discouraged when it doesn't seem to ever let up!
In addition to what you're using I have found that some "old school" remedies can help. I boil pan of water and make a steam tent with a towel over me head, breathing in the steam from the water.. you can easily adjust the steam/amount by moving head closer or farther from steam.
Back in the day I was in a rock and roll band and we swore by the steam tent for keeping our chest clearer and avoiding complete laryngitis problems.
Well mostly too I wanted to just tell you to hang in there and it may take us longer to recover from these bugs now BUT you will get over it... don't be discouraged! And let us know how you are doing.
O my goodness! It doesn't sound like you've missed a thing except a way to take time for yourself to recover!
My son works where "calling out isn't an option" and it's not sustainable. Pushing people this hard to work makes them sick. When they are sick without rest they get sicker. Soon we won't have any doctors and nurses left unless there's a radical re-think about retention policy, what works, what doesn't?
Sorry! I don't mean to offer no help, but all I can think of is get out as fast and as far as you can from a job that slides you in to thinking you must do what you can't do.
In the mean time, every good wish for hangin in there