How do I get over this, I get so little help from the family, they really have no clue of this illness, friends have all but gone, because i cant join in any more on social events because I am too tired, so out of sight out of mind, thanks mateys>>> work is crap, it seems if you kiss ar>>> you get on in the world certainly at my work??, i should have learnt,, Sick of feeling knackered, sore joints,pains in the stomach and now here comes the itch that i have avoided for so long.. and all i can think is i have bloody years of this. Have arthritis, both osteo and rheum feet and toes are a mess, so cant walk for too long, hands are now slowly getting worse,and shoulders,, also have bronchiectasis so cant do any thing as i get so out of breath even pushing hte hoover round kills me.. so life is a pile of ###.So rant over, Iguess we all feel these feelings just so tired of it all,, byee sun is out so i will try to cheer up
Cant shake this deperssion!: How do I get... - PBC Foundation
Cant shake this deperssion!

You have us. We can't be with you physically to help, but we are always here to listen and say what works for us. For me, meditation is my best friend. I do a guided healing meditation that's focus is on perfect health and a positive outlook on life. I will tell you more in private message if you wish. I have the toe issue too and can't walk long before they starting being painful or cramp up on me. The same thing sometimes happens with my hands. Thank G-d, I don't have the itch and don't ever intend to have it. My mind and yours are very powerful and we can heal and create. It is possible. That's my attitude and I am sticking to it.
Healthangel, you sound lovely, you are always so upbeat and positive, all of your posts are such a tonic, just what everyone needs.
Lisa hang in there, tomorrow is another day, hope things will seem better.
Thanks Healthangel and donkey, I will hang in, no choice really. Today is my day off and its grey and cold again!! So I think i'll spend the day in bed and rest, healthangel I will try anything to stop my brain being so negative and full of angry sad thoughts, if you could message me ,that would be great anything that will help is appreciacated xx
Amitryp. is good old-fashioned therapy. Ask your GP. It is good for pain relief and to lift your mood, will help you sleep too. We are entitled to feel fed up. How many other people among our friends have to put up with what we have to. I have had my time of feeling hopeless and now I am over it. Getting too old to worry too much about anything, but while my kids were young I found it really, really hard. Chin up and ask for help.
We have all felt as you do at some time but eventually it will pass. Talk to your Doctor and explain what's happening he should help. It had taken me over 4 years to find medication which controls each symptoms but I am getting there. I have PBC for the second time effecting my transplanted liver now. I also have arthritis of feet, knees, hands and spine. I also have C.O.P.D so, like you can't walk far without getting breathless so I understand how you feel. I try to look on the good things in my life (not always easy). Hope things get better soon. Keep your chin up.
Is a very caring webpage. I hope you all are feeling good today. PBC and all the other things going on in your life converge and it sucks. The only really decent thing that has happened in the last few months is a spinal stenosis. It hurt so bad, that it distracted me from thinking about PBC, etc.., everything else lol. Plus, I laid down when I was tired because I couldn't stay awake any longer (pain kept me up before I got a steriod shot for it) nobody blinked an eye! Whereas before the stenosis I felt guilty. I knew it was PBC the whole time but it felt so good to lay down whenever I could without feeling guilty around my family. lol.
Today is a slightly better day, thanks so much to all of you. I slept so much over the weekend, not only did the sleep help but the hididng away from family helped too.I know I am not alone, every one here has the same if not worse,and hearing your stories is a help. Each day is new, I will keep hoping for all of us to have sunny inside our heart days,
Hi Lisacj,
I hope you are feeling a bit brighter now. I have been recently diagnosed with PBC and also a lung fibrosis and Fibromyalgia and it seems every day I have been feeling/getting worse lately. My joints are so painful and I am so very low. Have been off work for 5 weeks now and employers are totally uncompassionate, each time I have a 'good' day and think I'm on the mend, I go down with something else, I had flu last week. I have a fantastic GP who has now put me on Amitriptyline, which have definitely helped with the pain and I am hopeful that as we get the dosage right my mood will lift too.
I have a great partner and two wonderful children that I adore and live for, they keep me going as I don't want to give up. For me staying positive is the best medicine, even when I'm at my lowest emotionally, I try to stay focussed for them.
I have had mixed reactions from my friends, they all stay in touch but some just don't understand how I can look well but say I feel so terrible at times. So as I learn more about my conditions I try to educate them too, so that they will understand better how their comments, reactions can help or hinder me.
I used to feel guilty if I slept in or had a day when I couldn't get out of bed, but now I am learning to go with how I feel and not beat myself up because of what others might think of me.
So be kind to yourself and know that we are all going through similar things on this site and you can come on here and get all the support you need without judgements or ignorant comments.
I really hope that your mood is lifting, sorry for the essay, take care and come on here and rant away whenever you need to.
All the best,
Tracy x